So they side stepped such rules by having mistresses and kids out of wedlock.
I'm not going to defend wrong doings done by members of the church. Being a priest in the CC is more than a full time job and a priest simply can not fully devote themselves to the church and raising a family
What if God has a calling for you beyond being a deacon? Do you renounce your wife? Commit to celebacy?
More power to you if that is your calling but it goes against human nature in it's basic form.
The is an err of the CC.
The Bible says the Church is the Bride of Christ.
It also says that the elders, bishops and deacons are to be the husband of one wife. It list the qualifications required to be an elder, bishop and deacon along with the qualifications of their wives.
No where have I read in the Bible that the Church is the bride of anyone other than Christ.
The only thing a deacon can't do is holy communion or confessions
And this is my big hang up with the CC. The Bible I read teaches that Jesus bridged the gap between God and man and paid the price of sin for everyone. Through Him, I can confess and receive forgiveness without an intermediate. Confessions to a priest and acts of contrition are more about power than scripture. The ultimate act of contrition was on Calvary. All I need to do is confess to God through the Son and strive to never commit the sin again. No one else is required.
Are you serious about Luke?
The councils are what exactly? Spiritual racket
And this is my big hang up with the CC. The Bible I read teaches that Jesus bridged the gap between God and man and paid the price of sin for everyone. Through Him, I can confess and receive forgiveness without an intermediate. Confessions to a priest and acts of contrition are more about power than scripture. The ultimate act of contrition was on Calvary. All I need to do is confess to God through the Son and strive to never commit the sin again. No one else is required.
Confessing your sins is about accountability. You have none if you are only confessing your sins to yourself. Priests have direct lineage to "Him". Therefore confessing your sins to a priest is the closest one can get to confessing your sins to Jesus. Obviously the situation will be different when we pass away.
It's a much more spiritually rewarding experience confessing your sins to someone vs yourself. Also a priest gives you advice on how to avoid committing those sins in the future. Thus becoming a better Christian in the process
It's not about humiliation, but a teaching moment
We will disagree. I am not confessing to myself. I am confessing to God who provided an avenue to have my own personal link; thus, I have a direct lineage as a child of God- no priest required. I can understand giving advice, but I will never understand having to confess to another imperfect man. I have never read that in the Scriptures. It's not there. ALL men are imperfect (including the Pope). I confess to the infallible Son of God who intercedes to the Father on my behalf. No man can come close to comparing.