Obama Less Popular Than Bush



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
After First Month in Office

% Changes;.......Jan 21...Feb 24
Approve..................69.........59...10% drop
No Opinion...............18.........16......2% less dummies
That is complete BS. Bush left the white house with the lowest Approval Rating in history. No one cares at this point that he had the highest approval rating history after 9/11. We all know what a failure he was as President.
That is complete BS. Bush left the white house with the lowest Approval Rating in history. No one cares at this point that he had the highest approval rating history after 9/11. We all know what a failure he was as President.

We are all aware of your opinion on Bush. Bush biggest mistake was spending, now Obama is spending even more in only 1 month on the job.
Of the top 10 worst Presidents, Bush is ranked #9 already. Enough said.

But Bush is not the president anymore, most republicans would tell you they were not pleased with him. Obama is president now, Obama is continuing some of the same things the left criticized Bush for......spending and lack of transparency. Now tell me are you happy with what Obama has done thus far?
That is complete BS. Bush left the white house with the lowest Approval Rating in history. No one cares at this point that he had the highest approval rating history after 9/11. We all know what a failure he was as President.
are you struggling to understand the chart?
That is complete BS. Bush left the white house with the lowest Approval Rating in history. No one cares at this point that he had the highest approval rating history after 9/11. We all know what a failure he was as President.

your boy is well on his way to beat Bush. a few tax increases and more liberty grabs and he'll be way behind.
That is complete BS. Bush left the white house with the lowest Approval Rating in history. No one cares at this point that he had the highest approval rating history after 9/11. We all know what a failure he was as President.

Thanks for proving again your reading comprehension deficit.

After one month in office, Bush had a 62% approval rating.

At the rate Obama is falling, he will be down there with his cronies Nancy and Harry, way lower than how Bush finished, by July 4th, minimum.
and that poll is clearly one of the stupidest ever.

I would bet that poll has Joe Stalin in the top five best, oh wait, he was only VP, FDR was the pres, my bad, carry on, I'll be in the area all day!! :)

PS; if I don't keel over dead or win the lottery.
Here are the only approval ratings that matter, what they are NOW:

Bush: 34% approval rating (1/16/09)
Obama: 63% approval rating (2/23/09)

Bush: Job Ratings
Assessing Obama?s Job Approval at the One-Month Mark

Why the obsession with this man? He is history, when you compare the two as failures honestly looks like you are conceding that Obama is not doing well..... but at least he isn't as bad as Bush, yet. This just makes no sense, you bash Bush (and in many cases he deserves it) but it is over, now we all have to deal with Obama, and by accounts of most objective thinkers he has started horribly.
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ah yes another blind disciple of Obama. Im pretty decent with math, BUT answer me this, how is a massive expansion of the defecit going to reduce it? thats like hey i want to lose weight so im gonna go to mcdonalds and eat a few big macs a day

Here's something a little more detailed that addresses you concerns.

The White House - Press Office - Remarks by the Vice President at the first Recovery Plan Implementation meeting

I think this sight is representative of prevailing wisdom,other that a Football board that just happens to have a political forum.
Here are the only approval ratings that matter, what they are NOW:

Bush: 34% approval rating (1/16/09)
Obama: 63% approval rating (2/23/09)

Bush: Job Ratings
Assessing Obama?s Job Approval at the One-Month Mark
right. the only ones that matter are the ones for a guy who's finished after eight years in office and the ones one month into the new gig for the other guy.

Riddle me this: what would have happened to Bush's job approval rating had he shoved this recent spate of enormous spending down our throats?
are you struggling to understand the chart?

I'm with you, BPV.

The Bush time period being compared...

Almost exactly eight years ago, then newly-elected President Bush's numbers were 62 percent approving his performance, 21 percent disapproving, and 17 percent having no opinion (scroll about 3/4 down this Polling Report link [2]).

I'm with you, BPV.

The Bush time period being compared...
not to mention that Bush's numbers were like that after an absurdly contentious election conclusion and breathless wait for the winner. The rancor there had to hurt Bush's rankings as some of the 'don't care' crowd had to view his ascendancy as less than democratic.
Here are the only approval ratings that matter, what they are NOW:

If anything that shows how dumb the public is on political matters.


Who had the lowest ranking?? Who was the best president??


Who had the highest ranking?? Who was the worst president??



If the economy continues to tank despite Obama's "fixes", I think these numbers might be a little closer.
he'll get a pass on the economy for a long while, but enormous spending and backdoor federal healthcare will crush his popularity. He's headed to Clinton territory.
he'll get a pass on the economy for a long while, but enormous spending and backdoor federal healthcare will crush his popularity. He's headed to Clinton territory.

He'll get a lot of mileage out of blaming W. I don't think he'll fall down to that Bush 34% level, but he won't stay at 63% either. I think it depends on how much his "fixes" exacerbate the current problem.

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