Obama motion to dismiss denied.

I thought the issue was influence of foreign money - not "fair share". Having your money overseas is not foreign money influence.

The American Spectator : The Che Guevara Democrat Party

Those who contribute to, vote for, or otherwise support today's Democrat party need to catch up to the curve. These are not your father's Democrats. George McGovern would be a moderate in this party. This is the party that rejected Hillary Clinton because she was not left enough. Instead it literally took a Marxist street agitator from the Chicago political machine and put him in the White House.

Barack Obama was actually teaching the social manipulation methods of openly communist revolutionary Saul Alinsky to other Marxist revolutionaries for the radical communist front group ACORN. His weird name reflects his personal rejection of American culture.

This is the person today's Democrat party wanted for President. But it is not just him. The leader of the House Democrats is former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, ultraleft San Francisco Democrat totem. She is virtually as far left as Obama, and her public statements make Sarah Palin seem like a Ph.D. in economics. She keeps telling us that unemployment insurance payments are the best way to restore booming economic growth and prosperity.

When the American people rebuked Pelosi's ultraleft leadership as House Speaker, turning to the Republicans for the greatest House turnover since the New Deal, House Democrats responded with their own rebuke of the people. They voted Pelosi right back in as their leader, effectively saying to the American people that they were too stupid to know what they are doing,

Will Jan. 26th be

According to a lengthy research project titled “List of Properties associated with Barack Obama and his Family,” done by a highly regarded former UK detective, Sergeant Neil Sankey along with Private Investigator Susan Daniels, Obama reportedly has 27 different social security numbers under 21 different personal and/or familial name variations in 22 states and the District of Columbia. Sankey’s research is featured in a web video entitled Dossier2MP4 produced by Jim Przybowski.

The Sankey online report says that Social Security numbers connected to Barack Obama and the addresses they trace to are as follows: 363 Notlem St., 34982-7358 Fort Pierce, Fl. A Social Security number beginning with zero is connected to “White House, Irvine, CA.” A number starting with 282 connects to “713 Hart Senate, D.C., ” There was one connected to “White House, Baltimore, MD.” Six more Social Security numbers beginning in the 400s show up with addresses in Washington, Colorado, Georgia, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Maryland.

Another five beginning with 500 connect to more cities in CA, WA, MD, and GA. Two starting with 600, trace to FL and TX. A 700 listing is “Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, Utah.”

Three beginning with 900 connect to California and Utah postal box numbers and 15 link to Illinois addresses. The same number appears twice for addresses in Sommerville, Massachusetts. One goes to 300 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. Washington, D.C.; the other traces to a postal box in Chicago.

Three different social security numbers for the spelling “Barak” Obama list Happy Street in Covington, WA, a Digital Highway and Video Drive in Los Angeles, CA.

In the U.K.’s DAILY MAIL, a news story by David Jones, 27 November 2009, said Neil Sankey is trying to prove that “Barack Obama is guilty of the most audacious act of fraud in the U.S. political history, having become President when he was not eligible to run for office.” Orly Taitz and a Georgia judge may just help Sankey prove his charge.
Lol... disceipt.

At least he was close to the correct spelling. I have seen much worse on this board, and I might even go as far to say that maybe he used a little "REASON" and deduced that receipt is spelled that way, hence 'disceipt' is spelled in the same manner.

So close but no cigar GS. I believe that my eyes may have deceived me though cause I thought this going to be a much more interesting thread.
Yeah, but it's laundered overseas. To avoid paying his fair share.

This was disclosed by his accountant in 2008 that the money was placed in capital funds for business ventures in the Caymans. He has stated that he has only minimum knowledge of where his money is invested. Also that 'fair share' is 15% on his capital gains. He has already been taxed once for that at a rate of 40%. Its double dipping
Ga. Judge Orders President to Appear at Hearing - ABC News

A judge has ordered President Barack Obama to appear in court in Atlanta for a hearing on a complaint that says Obama isn't a natural-born citizen and can't be president.

It's one of many such lawsuits that have been filed across the country, so far without success. A Georgia resident made the complaint, which is intended to keep Obama's name off the state's ballot in the March presidential primary.

An Obama campaign aide says any attempt to involve the president personally will fail and such complaints around the country have no merit.


Pursuant to OSAH Rule 616-1-2-.19, Defendant Barack Obama is hereby notified to be and appear before the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings, the Honorable Michael M. Malihi presiding, at the Fulton County Justice Center Building, 161 Pryor Street, Courtroom G-40, Atalanta, Georgia on January 26, 2012 at 9:00 a.m., and to bring with him into said Court the following items to be used as evidence by the Plaintiffs in the above-styled case:

(a) One (1) of the two (2) original certified copies of Defendant Barack Obama's ("long form") Certificate of Live Birth as referenced in the four (4) pages of Exhibit "A" attached;

(b) All medical, religious, administrative, or other records of or related to Defendant Barack Obama's birth;

(c) Any and all United States Passports, passport applications, and passport-related records for Defendant Barack Obama;

(d) Any and all passport, passport applications, and passport-related records for Defendant Barack Obama from any country, nation, or sovereignty;

(e) Any and all college and university admission information, both undergraduate and postgraduate, for Defendant Barack Obama, including, but not limited to, admission applications; letters of recommendation; school transcripts; financial aid applications; scholarship applications; and any and all correspondence awarding admission, financial aid, scholarships, or the like;

(f) Any and all applications and accompanying materials submitted by or for Defendant Barack Obama to the State Bar of Illinois, the State Supreme Court of Illinois, the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois, and any other similar entity regulating the admission to the practice of law;

(g) Any and all other documents, materials, and papers having any relation to the subject of the birthplace, citizenship, denizenship, and national origin of Defendant Barack Obama;

(h) Any and all other documents, materials, and papers having any relation to the subject of the birthplace, citizenship, denizenship, and national origin of Defendant's father, Barack Obama Sr.

(i) All correspondence between Defendant Barack Obama and any other person, firm, political party, or entity discussing Defendant's status vel non as a natural born Citizen pursuant to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution.

Defendant will note that the preceding items are requested hereby, whether they pertain to Defendant under his name Barack Obama or any other name, including but not limited to Barack Hussein Obama II; Barry Soetoro; Barry Soebarkah; Barry Obama, or the like.





Several states have ongoing litigation on ballot challenges to Obama.

Stop Obama From Another Four Years | Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012
Your link doesn't mention anyone saying he's not an American. It mentions folks saying he's not a natural born American.

You DO know there's a difference, right?

Still waiting on your link...your last one failed, maybe you can do better the second time around, obama voter.
Link...still waiting...

Come on, obama voters...if there is some folks of note out there saying Obama isn't an american, surely you can provide a link.

I mean, look at your straw man...he's almost horizontal. Give the poor guy some support.
1. Where a person is born is a decision of their parents. Making foreign born individuals ineligible to run for POTUS is punishing individuals for the deeds of their parents.

2. Provide the logical and legitimate reason, please.

The idea that Obama would be punished by not being eligible for the presidency because his parents chose to have the birth in a different country is absolutely one of the stupidest arguments I have ever heard.:good!:

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