Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

I'm not turning on anyone dude. I'm calling a guy out for a lazy play and generally poor form for the last two games. I like Bradley. I think he's a very important player, if not the most important for our team. And I hope he has the game of his career against Germany. So take this crap to the Football Forum where it belongs.

Talkning more about twitter reactions.
I mentioned this in the other thread as well. Bradley is playing slightly out of position, he's our best distributor and possession keeper so we are employing him a little higher than he's comfortable with. He normally plays deeper, where he has more time on the ball and isn't surrounded by defenders/midfielders like he has the last three games.

He hasn't played great in any of the warm up games or the World Cup. I think that may be the reason. He hasn't played that advanced besides maybe the Mexico game back in the spring.
You can stop steals and retain possession. Happens all the time.

Not every steal; and retain every possession.

Give credit where credit is due. An amazing player made and amazing play. I don't understand why people are upset at that series of events (albeit at a heartbreaking time) when we gave up a horrid goal at the 5' mark and gave away a gift wrapped goal with Bradley.
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Howard should've come off his line and punched ball away. Him and Cameron relaxed for a second and you cannot do that against a team with Portugal's ability. Bradley should have kicked ball down the field. But it is what Playmakers do...they make Plays and Ronaldo made a Pinpoint pass.
Not every steal; and retain every possession.

Give where credit is due. An amazing player made and amazing play. I don't understand why people are upset at that series of events (albeit at a heartbreaking time) when we gave up a horrid goal at the 5' mark and gave away a gift wrapped goal with Bradley.

Not every steal but you, above all else, retain the ball whe it's in your possession in the final minute of stoppage time. You and I know how quick the tide can change. I did give it up for Renaldo in the other thread for his effort in the final seconds. It was brilliant. Not easy to place the ball in a few square feet area that would put the ball on you're comrade's head..
How much would it surprise everyone if someone else starts over Bradley Thursday?

This is nonsense . There's no way he should be replaced. Just needs a little pep talk and realize he can't make those mistakes with the ball and he'll be alright.
I would be absolutely shocked. Seriously. We have no one better than him at that position.

This question is actually quite comical.

I'm not saying I want to start someone else, but is it really that far fetched to think after 2 games of struggling we don't try pulling him off the bench instead?

Probably won't happen, but just a thought. Not sure why it's comical unless that was your attempt at douchebaggery.
I'm not saying I want to start someone else, but is it really that far fetched to think after 2 games of struggling we don't try pulling him off the bench instead?

Probably won't happen, but just a thought. Not sure why it's comical unless that was your attempt at douchebaggery.

Yes, that's very far fetched. He's the best we've got. It's comical to think you would bench your best player at a crucial position for a group deciding match. Didn't think he was being a douche at all.
How much would it surprise everyone if someone else starts over Bradley Thursday?

Unless he is injured, that ain't gonna happen. Michael Bradley is our best distributor out of the midfield. Our possession and attack would disappear without him on the field.
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I could see Beckerman moving to his position or Zusi...not saying I would do it, but I could and then bring in John Brooks or Yeldon and put Beasley in the role that Beckerman was playing or put him on the Wing...

Did anyone else see Wondo do like a punch to one of the Portugal players, in the stomach, when he was tripped by him along the sideline?
I could see Beckerman moving to his position or Zusi...not saying I would do it, but I could and then bring in John Brooks or Yeldon and put Beasley in the role that Beckerman was playing or put him on the Wing...

Did anyone else see Wondo do like a punch to one of the Portugal players, in the stomach, when he was tripped by him along the sideline?

Beckerman can't play that high up and Zusi's value is entirely on the wing. Bradley will absolutely get the start.
Beckerman can't play that high up and Zusi's value is entirely on the wing. Bradley will absolutely get the start.

I am not arguing your point...I am just throwing out a possible scenario...Jermaine Jones might play up instead of Beckerman...I agree that Bradley will start and should.

Also, Dempsey is quite capable of playing that role...
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There's a reason Klinnsman has all of Bradley, Jones, and Beckermann playing together.

Barring injury, he's not sitting Bradley. Nor should he. Bradley has not been himself, but the improvement from Ghana to Portugal was clear, for the whole team. You don't completely change your formation/game plan in the crucial third group game against the biggest, strongest team in your group.

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