Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

I think we are going to have a great final. Germany is going to be more attack minded than the Netherlands who really have been defensive minded all World Cup.

That allows more space for the Argentina attackers who will create some chances. Should be fantastic.
God how I would love to hear Diego Maradona doing a German parody song Sunday evening. The only person I've ever believed to take more joy in the demise of a rival was Conan the Destroyer.
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Maybe if they hadn't committed the Holocaust and started two horrific wars that cost tens of millions of people their lives then it wouldn't come up. Or are you one of those people who thinks it's all Israeli propaganda? Germany is good at soccer but is undoubtedly the most evil and diabolical nation in the last 100 years of human history and there's no close second.

Are you one of those people that get pissed when people characterize all southern people as pro-slavery, uneducated, treasonous rednecks? Don't you feel like you shouldn't be insulted because of something your ancestors did? Then why do all Germans need to be berated for the holocaust and causing the world wars. How many of those evil and diabolical people that started those wars and carried out those atrocities are still alive? We should never forget those things but we can't hold their children responsible for their crimes. Don't be an ignorant redneck because at one time not a long time ago, your ancestors thought it was ok to own people, rape them, beat them and kill them without consequence. Think about that.

Ok I'm done.

What about that crazy offsides on the Higuain goal? Looked like he was onside all the way.
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Actual penalty kicks should be from the designated spot, but I think shootout kicks should come from further back.
Players are fine, Argentine fans are not. They think they are God's gift to soccer and they don't hesitate in letting you know it. I liken them to Longhorn football fans. Really good, but not the best and you can't tell them otherwise. I know a lot of Argentines.
Best I could hope for a final. Favorite team overall outside the US (Germany) versus favorite South American team. I will naturally be pulling for Germany but I wouldn't totally heartbroken if Argentina, especially since that clown Maradona isn't involved.
I think it will be a fantastic game. Hoping for an Argentina win.

If they do win, Messi goes down as the greatest player of all time in my book. I still think he's top three regardless of what happens.
Are you one of those people that get pissed when people characterize all southern people as pro-slavery, uneducated, treasonous rednecks? Don't you feel like you shouldn't be insulted because of something your ancestors did? Then why do all Germans need to be berated for the holocaust and causing the world wars. How many of those evil and diabolical people that started those wars and carried out those atrocities are still alive? We should never forget those things but we can't hold their children responsible for their crimes. Don't be an ignorant redneck because at one time not a long time ago, your ancestors thought it was ok to own people, rape them, beat them and kill them without consequence. Think about that.

Ok I'm done.

What about that crazy offsides on the Higuain goal? Looked like he was onside all the way.
I got no problem with people who want to complain about black slavery in the US. I drive through the middle of a housing project on my was to and from work and I'm sure that a lot of those folks are there because of wheels that were set in motion long, long ago. I'm not going to apologize for it but I acknowledge it.

I've got two degrees and more professional and personal and financial blessings than I deserve. If someone calls me a redneck I take it as a compliment. I figured out long ago that there's a group of people out there who never be at peace with people who share my demographic characteristics. Their hate hurts them more than it ever will hurt me.

As for the Germans there's a boatload of them left. Just like our Greatest Generation, the Germans who fought the war are dieing off rapidly but it was more than just the soldiers who supported the Nazis. It'll probably take another 20-30 years to cycle through the population that was educated/ indoctrinated in Nazi run schools and their youth groups. I'm talking about people who participated in and or supported the worst human depravity we've known as opposed to people who are several generations removed from the bad actors. I understand that some of you want to support Germany for whatever reason but if you make that choice you take the good with the bad.
PKs are really stupid. Winning on PKs is like a goalie clearing the box and the ball happens to sneak past the opposing keeper. Pure luck.
PKs are really stupid. Winning on PKs is like a goalie clearing the box and the ball happens to sneak past the opposing keeper. Pure luck.

I get that, but what else could they do? After playing 120 minutes, they have got to be about to fall over.

They'd have to allow like another three subs or something if they were to keep going.

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