#2- Explain the exceptional warming of the earth during the time of Pangea. Also explain how the movements of the continental shelf changed the climates of areas due to the movement of the plates. Explain how these changes in the land masses effected ocean currents and the cooling and warming cycles. Explain why we have had periods of large masses of ice,melting, icing, melting. Explain mans impact on these natural occurrences
Also, please dive into weather patterns, earths tilt, earths orbit on climate. How the earth doesnt always tilt the same amount every year on its axis. How a few degrees can determine types of weather, heat, cold, etcc.
Now, lets go into the natural extinction of species such as dinosaurs and other large mammals. The changes in the salinity of the oceans. Amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere(last time CO2 was higher, humans were not on the planet)
The climate alarmists are worshipping a false god. The earth will determine whether we live or die, not humans