Official Global Warming thread (merged)

This is what pisses me off about the "scientific" left. Do some actual research on the gene. It's only found on the Y chromosome which means it's only found in male (or Klinefelter's) and it's not a "testes grow" gene it's a "testes work" gene

This is fantastic.

You managed in one post to get my poltical leanings wrong (from an apolitical discussion), incorrectly identify the Y chromosome as the only chromosome it can be found on (it can be found on the X chromosome as well leading to XX males, XY females, etc), and incorrectly deny the role of the SRY gene, via TDF (Testis-determining factor) protein, of initiating sex determination. Kudos.
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Let me ask the screechers ones who oppose Trump pulling out of the Treaty something...

Do you honestly feel it was fair the US was going to have to start paying into the UN green climate fund to pay for other nation's climate change efforts? $100 billion into that program for "developing nations."

I've seen a lot of complaining about Trump adding money to the Defense budget and gnashing of teeth over cutting other budgets, but it's perfectly okay to give away said money into a UN lush fund?

That's the elephant in the room none of you want to talk about.

Well, $100 billion was a total fundraising goal for all nations involved, and our commitment to those funds was less than 4 billion at present. So if it is an elephant in the room, it is a 2/100ths of GDP elephant spread out over a number of years.

Also, if anyone actually is afraid of Trump's budget then they are suffering from necrophobia, because that thing could not be any deader than it is.
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Well, Wall Street has reacted to the news of our withdraw by setting record highs. Of note, oil is trading down because we're going to be drilling so many wells that we'll be knee deep in the stuff
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Let me ask the screechers ones who oppose Trump pulling out of the Treaty something...

Do you honestly feel it was fair the US was going to have to start paying into the UN green climate fund to pay for other nation's climate change efforts? $100 billion into that program for "developing nations."

I've seen a lot of complaining about Trump adding money to the Defense budget and gnashing of teeth over cutting other budgets, but it's perfectly okay to give away said money into a UN lush fund?

That's the elephant in the room none of you want to talk about.

I've asked it for three pages and no one answers. All this is is a penalty tax on the US. It's redistribution of wealth. Some of those large corporations that supported it would have probably benefited by getting contracts in these developing countries. All you have to do is follow the money.

Meanwhile the simpletons think this was done so companies in this country could polute with impunity. It's completely laughable.
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Wow Immelt, what a concept... let the private sector lead the way if they are concerned about it.

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Wow Immelt, what a concept... let the private sector lead the way if they are concerned about it.


He sounds like another douche. So prior to this, he thought it was government's job to lead the way?

So many have their hands in this cookie jar scam of climate change.

The rebuttal by Cruz to Musk was great.
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Wow Immelt, what a concept... let the private sector lead the way if they are concerned about it.


It actually probably is an amazing concept to him. GE, especially under Immelt, is nothing more than a government cheese-grabber. He's divested a lot of businesses and moved much more into areas with a lot of government contracts (nuclear, renewables). It's been basically his entire business strategy.
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I've asked it for three pages and no one answers. All this is is a penalty tax on the US. It's redistribution of wealth. Some of those large corporations that supported it would have probably benefited by getting contracts in these developing countries. All you have to do is follow the money.

Meanwhile the simpletons think this was done so companies in this country could polute with impunity. It's completely laughable.

to the green climate fund. So there are a LOT of countries involved. $100 billion is a lot of money, to say the least, but spread over many years among 43 nations it does not seem a great burden. I think the U.S. has committed, or pledged, $3 billion thus far. It's a big problem. You either want to be part of a global solution, and be a global leader, or you don't. We've always been a global leader. Alas, conservatives are narrow-minded and complete short-term oriented, and selfish. They're all about how can I benefit in the short-term. And so long-term problems, which need addressing, are ignored.

And let's be honest. Trump is just pandering to his base. The political right in America trots out the same lame "jobs" and "economy" BS every time it cuts or destroys some useful program or regulation. Alert me when Trump actually does something to help workers in America--it won't happen. His Labor Secretary--the owner of Hardees and other chains--has been hostile to workers and labor all his life. His Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs, was known as the "foreclosure king." Etc. They want to cut taxes on the rich--and will trot out the usual BS about how doing so will help the economy--the old "trickle down" theory that has been thoroughly discredited because there's not been any trickle down.

More generally, Trump just enjoys being a d--k. He's always been a d--k, a man without shame or scruples. He got sent to military school as a kid but it obviously didn't help him. You see people who are dumb but at least decent human beings. And you see people who are not very decent but they're smart enough to make good decisions. And then there is Trump--who is both incredible indecent and vile and a complete moron. We're talking about a guy who has as his chief strategist a crackpot named Bannon, who spent 10 years in Hollywood making weird, bad, far right documentaries--including one pean to Sarah Palin. Bannon thought Palin was the person to save America--the folksy housewife from Alaska. Seriously. He wanted her to run for president.

Trump did tap into a lot of American angst and anger about jobs and income and the economy--the loss of manufacturing, etc. There are a ton of people in America who work hard but aren't college educated. Our parents generation could still make a good living without a college degree but there were good manufacturing jobs--good paying jobs of all kinds. That is gone. Now, if you don't have a degrees it is very hard to get ahead. Workers have been systematically screwed for 30 years--wages, benefits everything. But here's the thing: Trump will do nothing to help average American workers. He's being led around by Ryan and the extreme conservative wing of the GOP. They heap pain on workers and consumers every chance they get. And then there is Trump's strange affection for Russia....
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to the green climate fund. So there are a LOT of countries involved. $100 billion is a lot of money, to say the least, but spread over many years among 43 nations it does not seem a great burden. I think the U.S. has committed, or pledged, $3 billion thus far. It's a big problem. You either want to be part of a global solution, and be a global leader, or you don't. We've always been a global leader. Alas, conservatives are narrow-minded and complete short-term oriented, and selfish. They're all about how can I benefit in the short-term. And so long-term problems, which need addressing, are ignored.

And let's be honest. Trump is just pandering to his base. The political right in America trots out the same lame "jobs" and "economy" BS every time it cuts or destroys some useful program or regulation. Alert me when Trump actually does something to help workers in America--it won't happen. His Labor Secretary--the owner of Hardees and other chains--has been hostile to workers and labor all his life. His Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs, was known as the "foreclosure king." Etc. They want to cut taxes on the rich--and will trot out the usual BS about how doing so will help the economy--the old "trickle down" theory that has been thoroughly discredited because there's not been any trickle down.

More generally, Trump just enjoys being a d--k. He's always been a d--k, a man without shame or scruples. He got sent to military school as a kid but it obviously didn't help him. You see people who are dumb but at least decent human beings. And you see people who are not very decent but they're smart enough to make good decisions. And then there is Trump--who is both incredible indecent and vile and a complete moron. We're talking about a guy who has as his chief strategist a crackpot named Bannon, who spent 10 years in Hollywood making weird, bad, far right documentaries--including one pean to Sarah Palin. Bannon thought Palin was the person to save America--the folksy housewife from Alaska. Seriously. He wanted her to run for president.

Trump did tap into a lot of American angst and anger about jobs and income and the economy--the loss of manufacturing, etc. There are a ton of people in America who work hard but aren't college educated. Our parents generation could still make a good living without a college degree but there were good manufacturing jobs--good paying jobs of all kinds. That is gone. Now, if you don't have a degrees it is very hard to get ahead. Workers have been systematically screwed for 30 years--wages, benefits everything. But here's the thing: Trump will do nothing to help average American workers. He's being led around by Ryan and the extreme conservative wing of the GOP. They heap pain on workers and consumers every chance they get. And then there is Trump's strange affection for Russia....

Bla Bla Bla.. Trump Bad, Blah blah bla America bad, we must be punished, Bla Bla Bla, It's Americas responsibility to fix everybody else's problems, Bla, Blah blah, Same ol' BS.
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It actually probably is an amazing concept to him. GE, especially under Immelt, is nothing more than a government cheese-grabber. He's divested a lot of businesses and moved much more into areas with a lot of government contracts (nuclear, renewables). It's been basically his entire business strategy.

Government contracts account for a tiny bit of GE revenues. From a recent story....

GE still managed $1.7 billion in federal contracts, but in the grand scheme of things federal contracting is pennies compared to the company’s total revenues.

"GE brought in $115 billion in 2015. The small part of that revenue that did come from the government came mostly from the military. GE won contracts with DoD, the Navy, Army, Air Force and SOCOM.

It also did business with the Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security departments."

It's government business was under $2 billion. And besides, thousands of companies do business with the government. What's that got to do with climate change?
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to the green climate fund. So there are a LOT of countries involved. $100 billion is a lot of money, to say the least, but spread over many years among 43 nations it does not seem a great burden. I think the U.S. has committed, or pledged, $3 billion thus far. It's a big problem. You either want to be part of a global solution, and be a global leader, or you don't. We've always been a global leader. Alas, conservatives are narrow-minded and complete short-term oriented, and selfish. They're all about how can I benefit in the short-term. And so long-term problems, which need addressing, are ignored.

How is not wanting to give away $3billion in taxpayers funds being narrow minded, selfish, and short-term thinking?
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How is not wanting to give away $3billion in taxpayers funds being narrow minded, selfish, and short-term thinking?

It's the liberal way. Take from the American tax payer and give it away, to everybody, foreign or domestic. America Bad! Capitalism Bad.

It's just like California yesterday stating they were going to do their part in supporting the Paris Accord. No mention of them sending in their money.
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to the green climate fund. So there are a LOT of countries involved. $100 billion is a lot of money, to say the least, but spread over many years among 43 nations it does not seem a great burden. I think the U.S. has committed, or pledged, $3 billion thus far. It's a big problem. You either want to be part of a global solution, and be a global leader, or you don't. We've always been a global leader. Alas, conservatives are narrow-minded and complete short-term oriented, and selfish. They're all about how can I benefit in the short-term. And so long-term problems, which need addressing, are ignored.

And let's be honest. Trump is just pandering to his base. The political right in America trots out the same lame "jobs" and "economy" BS every time it cuts or destroys some useful program or regulation. Alert me when Trump actually does something to help workers in America--it won't happen. His Labor Secretary--the owner of Hardees and other chains--has been hostile to workers and labor all his life. His Treasury Secretary, former Goldman Sachs, was known as the "foreclosure king." Etc. They want to cut taxes on the rich--and will trot out the usual BS about how doing so will help the economy--the old "trickle down" theory that has been thoroughly discredited because there's not been any trickle down.

More generally, Trump just enjoys being a d--k. He's always been a d--k, a man without shame or scruples. He got sent to military school as a kid but it obviously didn't help him. You see people who are dumb but at least decent human beings. And you see people who are not very decent but they're smart enough to make good decisions. And then there is Trump--who is both incredible indecent and vile and a complete moron. We're talking about a guy who has as his chief strategist a crackpot named Bannon, who spent 10 years in Hollywood making weird, bad, far right documentaries--including one pean to Sarah Palin. Bannon thought Palin was the person to save America--the folksy housewife from Alaska. Seriously. He wanted her to run for president.

Trump did tap into a lot of American angst and anger about jobs and income and the economy--the loss of manufacturing, etc. There are a ton of people in America who work hard but aren't college educated. Our parents generation could still make a good living without a college degree but there were good manufacturing jobs--good paying jobs of all kinds. That is gone. Now, if you don't have a degrees it is very hard to get ahead. Workers have been systematically screwed for 30 years--wages, benefits everything. But here's the thing: Trump will do nothing to help average American workers. He's being led around by Ryan and the extreme conservative wing of the GOP. They heap pain on workers and consumers every chance they get. And then there is Trump's strange affection for Russia....

No offense man but your entire post is wrong and based on bad information. The US has not always been a global leader. You don't need a college education to get ahead. The rest is mindless gobbledygook.

Oh yeah unemployment dropped that helping American workers?
No offense man but your entire post is wrong and based on bad information. The US has not always been a global leader. You don't need a college education to get ahead. The rest is mindless gobbledygook.

Oh yeah unemployment dropped that helping American workers?

Sadly, unemployment was only down because the Labor Force Participation rate dropped by 0.2% as people are continuing to flee the job market.

Also, the previous two months' job numbers were revised down by 66,000.

Combine that with the fact that manufacturing job growth was negative for May, we may be nearing the start of a Trump Slump.

I think there is a good likelihood that we will be in a shallow but deepening recession by Q3 of next year if Trump and his team can't get focused on pushing his his economic agenda through Congress.
Government contracts account for a tiny bit of GE revenues. From a recent story....

GE still managed $1.7 billion in federal contracts, but in the grand scheme of things federal contracting is pennies compared to the company’s total revenues.

"GE brought in $115 billion in 2015. The small part of that revenue that did come from the government came mostly from the military. GE won contracts with DoD, the Navy, Army, Air Force and SOCOM.

It also did business with the Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security departments."

It's government business was under $2 billion. And besides, thousands of companies do business with the government. What's that got to do with climate change?

You're counting revenue just from the United States federal government. My point was that Immelt has positioned the company to do business with governments all around the world on nuclear, renewables, etc. The Alstom deal is Exhibit A of this, and they are thinking much of the business is going to be in Europe.

It has nothing to do with climate change. Rasputin made a point about Immelt's comment that the market should actually do this. I was simply commenting that perhaps that really is an amazing concept to Immelt given how he has oriented their business in recent years. It's all about cozying up to government.
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How is not wanting to give away $3billion in taxpayers funds being narrow minded, selfish, and short-term thinking?

If you really need an answer to the question you posed then you aren't paying attention. The science is settled, if you choose to ignore the facts then you are simply blinded by your hyper-partisanship.

Trump has once again decided to not be a leader, meanwhile, the rest of the world is laughing at us for electing an imbecile.
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If you really need an answer to the question you posed then you aren't paying attention. The science is settled, if you choose to ignore the facts then you are simply blinded by your hyper-partisanship.

Trump has once again decided to not be a leader, meanwhile, the rest of the world is laughing at us for electing an imbecile.

So you scape-goated the question. Even if one is to conclude that the science is settled how is giving away $3 billion in tax payer funds going to "save the earth"? I'm asking you for specific facts on what this $3billion is going to do to stop climate change.
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