Shortened your post only because the rest was in response to others, not my posts.
Man is absolutely not the lone cause, we agree. The issue is our contributions. The Earth has always self regulated but we are adding an extra element that doesn't fall into the regular category. Common sense will tell you that leads to a more intense change and a longer recovery.
We also agree that the planet will recover, probably shake us off like a bad case of fleas. It's not the Earth's survival I concern myself with, it's the unnecessary hardships placed on either my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren, when we knew better.
If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm far from a tree-hugging hippie. But we know enough to realize we're doing some damage, and we're being selfish in letting our heirs pay for our actions. We're a little spoiled in our ways and a little lazy on changing them.
Deep down every conservative here knows that all actions have consequences, hell, they preach it on every other subject. They know the damage is being done, it's time to brag about coming up with the best solution and stop pretending it doesn't exist.