Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Not trying to be a prude here, but we probably need to dial it back a tad lest we draw the ire of the mods that be...
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So yall know that for the past 11 years i have been a site super for a commercial contractor..and my boss is my best friend since I was 15...29 years ago. Been a great job. Dont think i shared this, but 8 years ago my boss Tyson said he was gonna hire another super bc we had too much work at the time. So I put in a good word for a guy that I had worked with/for laying brick for 9 years named Brian. Counted Brian as 1 of the 3 real friends i was lucky enough to have. Got him hired, taught him how to read blueprints, do payroll, and run a job with 60 to 120 of our amigos onsite....

2 jobs ago, bout 18 months, a foreman of a sub crew for us told me something bad Brian had said about me to him, behind my back. Hurt a little, but I never said Brian or Tyson, nor anyone else...just kept my head down and ran my jobs.

Last week, a foreman of a sub crew that I trust implicitly told me that Brian said some really nasty sheot to him about me...and as soon as he went to Brian project from mine, Brian kept asking him questions about me and what went on at the project i am finishing up...which went very well. Brian said some embarrassing, reputation damaging, i will beat the everliving Hell out of a guy i have known for 20 years type sheot about me...personal sheot that I never even told him about and most of which is lies....

My choices were to invite them both for a beer after work, confront Brian and then knock his teeth out when he lied about it....or talk with Tyson and tell him whats up before this clown ruins my career.

I chose the latter....though i reserve the right to beat the Hell out of Brian anywhere but onsite at a job...and told Tyson that today. The only reason Brian couold possibly stab me in the back like this is jealousy...he simply wants me out of the picture. He knows that despite him being successful, and making good money, the best he will ever be with me here is 2nd place in Tyson eyes. He doesnt get invite to come by Tyson house and have a beer or 3 after work, or go to Tyson beach house with him, get drunk and spend the night at Ty house rather than drive etc...he cant be more than 2nd fiddle as long as I am around so he tried to take me out.

Failed miserable.

I told Ty just now that I wont stomp him on 1 of our jobs, or talk sheot to our subs like Brian did....but if I see him off site, intentionally or accidentally, his azz is mine.

Honestly it hurts though more than anything else. Were friends for 20 i want nothing more than to take his fronts. What a traitor....makes me sick man.

I worked with a guy a lot like that once. He would give you jobs that were above your experience level and lead you to believe that it was preparation for moving up ... and to an extent it actually was. The real point was that it gave him time to hobnob with people way up the chain while taking credit for what everyone else did. When you became a threat because of experience, competence, and exposure, he had some nasty ways of eliminating threats. Because it all happened somewhere up the food chain and he was still patting you on the back while slipping the knife in, you never saw it coming. At some point, all his victims learned what happened to each other, but nobody could ever convince his victims in the making what their future really was. Good luck, Marcus. You are who you are, and don't let anyone take that away. It's rare that the success of the guy at the top isn't a direct result of the people working under him.
Yeah, my GPS says no worries ...... the gas station is just another 150 feet straight on .....

View attachment 363553
Must be Colorado, they love their "shelf" roads. I'm never driving one again, 6 inches the wrong way and you take a 3000 foot fall to the next "shelf" road, no thanks.

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