Yep...Foster. Weird dude, part pterodactyl as I remember from his musings.
Back of the napkin math here (actually in my old head) but $450k in 14 months is about $1200 a day maybe? 85 scholarship football each guy averaged $15 a day, 7 days a week fast food delivered...on top of their cafeteria open 24hrs a day, protein shakes and power bars from the nutritionists?
Thats not considering that school is only actually in seasion maybe 8 months a year due to summer, spring break and almost a month off at Christmas/new years time right? So they really averaged over $20 per day...per player...when actually on campus? I never went to college except to visit friends/ gf....but the 24hr cafeterias we ate at had pizza, cheeseburgers, fries, etc and the food was pretty good. Mostly at UNCW and ECU...i would have to think the food at UT and RU would be even better as flagship state universities....
Yall dont think its kinda crazy that these kids spend $20 or more per day of taxpayer funds on DoorDash etc? That seems insane to me, but I am getting old too. If our AD had a 73 million dollar deficit and kids were doing this...I would be extremely pissed like people in the liberal paradise of NJ are honestly.