Unless the patent has expired and the market changed, Gutter Guard was the only one who would come make 1 piece gutters (no cap or screen on top of a regular gutter) from rolls of aluminum onsite at your house. They measure and make each run of gutter fit exactly so that the product is seamless as well. That stuff is very expensive though. The guys installing it were making $1000 a week and up back 20 years ago. Likely make twice that now.. there are other products similar but nothing as nice as what they made. Fwiw i have never put caps on the gutters in my own home even though i would do it myself...we dont have many trees though and i do not mind getting up on the roof and cleaning out my gutters either. I always cleaned my folks gutters out every year as well. Once a person gets a little older though and balance etc is an issue, it becomes quite dangerous. Definitely not worth taking a fall.