Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Blood on the ice. Media has been quick to label this a “freak accident”.

Dude intentionally kicked high at another player’s head and shoulders area, with a hockey skate on. The player bled out with a throat gash.


This is the first one I’ve seen that died from this. There’s been a few incidents involving the carotids and jugular being opened by a skate blade. They survived.
I'm thinking for a lawyer, you should be giving out something fairly substantial. Other than legal advice and golf tees.

Don't be like @hog88 that probably gives out a single starlight mint or the leftover strawberry candy things he gets with Easter baskets.


We don’t get trick or treaters. Went trick or treating with one of the grands last night and I was really impressed with her haul, a few houses were giving away full sized candy bars.
unfortunately I wasn't able to host trick or treaters for the first year of my house. Spent it with the GF, Halloween is big for her, but her dog goes absolutely ape crap bonkers when people knock on the door. even leaving candy out on the drive and no knocks the dog was going off every couple minutes. glad we didn't try to actually give out candy.
Never had Blue Plate that I know of. Hellmans, JFG or Dukes for me.

I used to be able to do Hellman’s, but the taste changed for me many years back, I don’t know if it was them or just me, but it just wasn’t the same. Dukes rules and Blue Plate is as close as you can to it.
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