Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Mad Dog? I'm not a minimum wage 16yo anymore, I make enough now to afford Boones Farm.

Yeah, but we know you aren't classy enough for Strawberry Hill.

First several times I ever got drunk were on Boones farm from the gas station. I think thats a very common American experience lol. Funny that you too remember Strawberry Hill. Man, we were dumb kids.
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Thought this was cool. Didnt have a paywall for a change either. Just clicked it away.

Also I learned today from this article that we now have the 21st ranked defense in yardage and scoring...and 13th ranked offense in the NCAA. What CJH and staff have done in such a short time is absolutely amazing to me. Amazing. I have zero last years offense with this years defense would win the Championship. In either season. Period. Hopefully those 2 sides of the ball are about to come together in the next couple years....i believe they are. I think Nico leads us to a couple playoffs and a National Championship. Think i can build a sound logical case for that happening. GO VOLS

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My folks from Tennessee, also my favorites on Earth though most now RIP, are the only folks I have ever seen put peanuts in coke and cornbread in milk. I enjoyed both as a kid but havent done either since for whatever reason. I miss my Grandparents, my Dad, brother etc very much. Unfortunately for whatever reason most of my family and nearly everyone I love most has died in the last 5 years. It has been absolutely brutal for those that remain, save my kids thankfully. Thanks for reminding me of them bud.
Man, I remember doing it as a kid in rural E TN. Dad's family lived in Afton. There was a small local gas/market and we'd buy our cokes and peanuts and hang out chatting a bit. That was over 40 years ago...
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Thought this was cool. Didnt have a paywall for a change either. Just clicked it away.

Also I learned today from this article that we now have the 21st ranked defense in yardage and scoring...and 13th ranked offense in the NCAA. What CJH and staff have done in such a short time is absolutely amazing to me. Amazing. I have zero last years offense with this years defense would win the Championship. In either season. Period. Hopefully those 2 sides of the ball are about to come together in the next couple years....i believe they are. I think Nico leads us to a couple playoffs and a National Championship. Think i can build a sound logical case for that happening. GO VOLS

The slow start this year didn't really surprise me, and with significant changes at important positions next year, it could be some of the same. Overall the team looks to have gotten better as the season has gone on, and Milton is looking more competent. If we ever really get the defensive secondary going and figure out the recent pass rush issues, it's going to be fun.
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Man, I remember doing it as a kid in rural E TN. Dad's family lived in Afton. There was a small local gas/market and we'd buy our cokes and peanuts and hang out chatting a bit. That was over 40 years ago...

A lot of the old timers back in southwest VA used to put peanuts in their cokes. I never was a big fan I'd rather eat the peanuts and wash them down with the coke.

Actually it was mostly RC Cola or Mr Pibb since both were cheaper than Coke or Pepsi.
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Man, I remember doing it as a kid in rural E TN. Dad's family lived in Afton. There was a small local gas/market and we'd buy our cokes and peanuts and hang out chatting a bit. That was over 40 years ago...

We used to do that - almost a daily ritual, but I usually got a candy bar. Could never figure out the attraction of the peanuts in a Coke. Coke was also the generic name for anything that came out of the machine - "Let's go for a Coke" could mean anything from Upper 10 to Pepsi. And usually it meant a few rounds with a pinball machine ... the old kind.
Just picture it. Grand watching the Vols while sipping MD 20/20 out of the bottle and a big bowl of candy corn on his lap.

If that's not living the dream, I don't know what is.

I'm high class these days. If it isn't Hefe, Kristal or Wit, I'm generally not having it.

@DinkinFlicka can translate.
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