Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

My Son finally finished the classroom portion of his studies for his Masters in clinical psychology. Now he has to do 600 more hours of clinicals (sessions with patients, unpaid of course 😃) and all the paperwork/reviews of each session afterwards, and he will get to walk at graduation in December. (Lord willing) He has already done hundreds of hours of sessions with patients though so this part isn't new. He likes the guy that here locally that he has been "working under" for the last 2 years or so. He is hoping that this guy offers him a position after he graduates that is beneficial for both of them. We will see what the future holds, I am sure that God has a plan for him. His focus on pediatrics is what he hopes to do with kids primarily..but he will only be 23 years old at graduation and relatively new to the field so he may have to take what he can get for a while. Being so young might actually help him a little counseling kids or teenagers, maybe they will feel more comfortable opening up to someone young enough to have grown up in similar times/environments. I sure hope so. He has worked so hard for so long, he truly deserves things to go his way. He is much better and more disciplined than either of us ever were at his age. God has been so much better to me than I have ever deserved.
his thesis should be on some of us.
Dont be on here besmirching my buddy JP. Hes a red blooded American. Kinda. We should have just annexed Canada a long time ago...lots of natural resources and not that many people haha.

I too remember her name. Which movie from the 80s had a nanosecond of her with full frontal furry beaver? It was so hard to get a VHS player to stop exactly where you wanted it to? She was having an affair with somebody in the movie...Gene Wilder maybe? Somebody who could never get within a mile of her in real life circa 1985
Edit:Found it. 1984
Since we won't close the borders, we might as well conquer all of the Western Hemisphere. Why stop at Canada? Mexico, Central America, South America, all the various islands, let's take it all. And why stop there? Let's take Australia and Japan, too. Maybe reclaim the Philippines? Imagine how pissed China would be if we annexed Taiwan and made it a state?

This is why I could never be President. I watched too much Pinky and the Brain as a young adult.


This video should start right at the VOLS portion of "anonymous SEC coaches say" there are 2 quotes for each team plus a bunch of stats/graphics. I found it interesting. Apparently all the other SEC coaches agree that Nico is special, but that we are still "right outside the playoffs" which would jive with my prediction as 9-3.

Honestly, it sucks the way our classes are gonna work out. Nico is gonna be a freshman with only 1 start vs a lesser team under his belt and may have some growing pains like all QBs do this season. Also while overall talent at WR is definitely better than last season, Matthews, Brazell and Squirrel will all be older and better next season and Nico should be 100% on point....but we lose like 10 guys (seriously) in our defensive front 7 after this season including pretty much all of our best players on the Dline, our best LB in Pili etc. So while our offense in the 25 season should be stellar (we will have to replace Coop tho as captain of Oline and All SEC center) our defense is likely gonna take a step backwards for the 1st time since CJH has been here. It almost HAS to. I get that we will still have Hobbs and Ross who could be stars one day...but if you go look at our roster at who we are losing after this season in our front 7 it will make you want to throw up. We are gonna have to drop BIG $$$ in the portal to shore up the Dline...and it will still take a step backwards IMO. We should have a top5 defensive line in the country this year. They are all seniors pretty much except the best Edge in the country in Pearce. He will be gone too though. It just sucks the way the timing worked out. This years defense with next years offense could have been a contender IMO. Its gonna be hard to make the jump from where UT, OM, OK etc are to where UGA, Buckeyes, and now texas are with their loaded rosters from top to bottom, challenging for the Title every season. I dont worry about our offense. I believe in Coach and this staff. Defense is what separates us from those 3 teams mentioned above though IMO. We could beat any of them in 1 game on a good day...but beat 2 or 3 of them in a row in the playoffs?
Yall think flarduh makes a bowlgame ? Need 6 wins...

Edit: fixed it Louder thanks. Their schedule is insane


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