Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

I like @JOEY’S ALL VOL !!! Sunrise pics as my good morning greeting. Please make appropriate changes so I can wake up in a relaxed, healthful way. TIA.

Only two good reasons to see a sunrise. You are still up when it happens, or you are looking at pictures. In any case it's like a sunset in reverse, so I never feel like I'm missing anything special.
Only two good reasons to see a sunrise. You are still up when it happens, or you are looking at pictures. In any case it's like a sunset in reverse, so I never feel like I'm missing anything special.
Joey could be taking pictures of sunsets and then passing them office Sun rises. That would be a dastardly deception.

do you deal with electrical, plumbing drawings much at all?

I have a client wanting us to overlay ALL of the major electrical lines, all of the domestic water (supply), sanitation, vents, gas, and grease. overhead & underground. retail, and residential. and to make it simple in a single drawing.

I have over 100 different lines going all over these spaces.
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*walks in puts soap box down and steps up on it*


My latest observation during my time contracting is the complete lack of the next generation of engineering leadership to have any dynamic thinking capacity and mange risk on the fly, to be completely susceptible to unimportant distractions which pop up and manage to consume all available brain capacity spinning over absolute unimportant ********, and to be completely unable to use first or second year basic physics rules to help understand what the data in front of them is telling them and how if at all they should adjust their current troubleshooting tack. And lastly I’m disappointed in myself because one of my biggest responsibilities had always been preparing the next generation of senior engineers. I am an abject failure.

I am working on an issue that is really straight forward, to me anyway. In peeling the onion on answering the mail of what I really think were a couple of trivial items I’ve seen some issues the are way more troubling and where we should be looking. But… no let’s ignore the possible show stoppers and instead focus of the minutia stuff that is technically trivial. Ok fine by me I’m paid by the hour now.

Just so damn disappointing looking around. I had to just get up and walk out and start my usual four day weekend early. After checking out I spoke with a protege to make sure I had my head wrapped around this situation correctly and I needed some specific background info he had on the issue I’m really worried about. Yes, I had my head wrapped around it correctly. Yes, what I uncovered is WAY more important. Ok thanks for the sanity check.

I’m not sure how much longer I can be Jack Nicholson walking around the asylum. And look how it turned out for him anyway.

Thank you.

*steps down picks up soapbox and walks off*
I dont know how contractors, like mechanical, deal with bid jobs. It is a mountain of info. My dealings were just with some drawings and specs on equipment, which took some time in itself. Could not imagine being an estimator. Had a couple of 300 page bids, and I just told management that I cant sit in office all week preparing.
*walks in puts soap box down and steps up on it*


My latest observation during my time contracting is the complete lack of the next generation of engineering leadership to have any dynamic thinking capacity and mange risk on the fly, to be completely susceptible to unimportant distractions which pop up and manage to consume all available brain capacity spinning over absolute unimportant ********, and to be completely unable to use first or second year basic physics rules to help understand what the data in front of them is telling them and how if at all they should adjust their current troubleshooting tack. And lastly I’m disappointed in myself because one of my biggest responsibilities had always been preparing the next generation of senior engineers. I am an abject failure.

I am working on an issue that is really straight forward, to me anyway. In peeling the onion on answering the mail of what I really think were a couple of trivial items I’ve seen some issues the are way more troubling and where we should be looking. But… no let’s ignore the possible show stoppers and instead focus of the minutia stuff that is technically trivial. Ok fine by me I’m paid by the hour now.

Just so damn disappointing looking around. I had to just get up and walk out and start my usual four day weekend early. After checking out I spoke with a protege to make sure I had my head wrapped around this situation correctly and I needed some specific background info he had on the issue I’m really worried about. Yes, I had my head wrapped around it correctly. Yes, what I uncovered is WAY more important. Ok thanks for the sanity check.

I’m not sure how much longer I can be Jack Nicholson walking around the asylum. And look how it turned out for him anyway.

Thank you.

*steps down picks up soapbox and walks off*

At your age I just don't know how you deal with it all. You are a man amongst men.
I dont know how contractors, like mechanical, deal with bid jobs. It is a mountain of info. My dealings were just with some drawings and specs on equipment, which took some time in itself. Could not imagine being an estimator. Had a couple of 300 page bids, and I just told management that I cant sit in office all week preparing.

I just make guesses.

No, really I hand it to the guys that know WTF they are doing...

do you deal with electrical, plumbing drawings much at all?

I have a client wanting us to overlay ALL of the major electrical lines, all of the domestic water (supply), sanitation, vents, gas, and grease. overhead & underground. retail, and residential. and to make it simple in a single drawing.

I have over 100 different lines going all over these spaces.

Thats crazy Louder. I always have to make my own overlays/mark up every unit drawing with whats missing. Check out all the missing dimensions from this architect on the unit plans.. anything color is by me. I didnt put the HVAC/ventilation openings on my drawings bc every unit is the same ROs thankfully. Every single unit type is like this...also note that this jackleg drew 2x4 wet walls everywhere. No excuse for that. 3in drain does not fit in 3.5in walls. For a couple reasons, but you know that. We didnt do the wet walls in the bathroom like the plans show either.. i get that changed now on every job. Just make that section of the partywall 2x6...eliminates prerock, pregyp,preinsulation and having to stagger studs. Also saves lumber.

The only overlays we ever get laid into a drawing is sometimes the HVAC is overlayed in our truss drawings, or sometimes drains are overlayed in truss drawings but never both... and only the best companies do that (Trussway/PBS) I think now they are all just Professional Builders Supply, they bought out Trussways plants. They are by far the best truss company IMO. I have never, ever seen "same sheet" overlays except made after the fact by the GC or subs like me usually in BlueBeam.


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At your age I just don't know how you deal with it all. You are a man amongst men.
Oh it’s easy to just call me a grumpy old man sure. And I know I sound just like the “kids these days” stereotype too. But …. Stupid is stupid. And obvious stupidity is obvious.

It’s easier for me to vent anonymously here with my “get off my lawn” rant and then roll back in Tuesday morning smiling and beaming. That’s all.
Oh it’s easy to just call me a grumpy old man sure. And I know I sound just like the “kids these days” stereotype too. But …. Stupid is stupid. And obvious stupidity is obvious.

It’s easier for me to vent anonymously here with my “get off my lawn” rant and then roll back in Tuesday morning smiling and beaming. That’s all.

I was just teasing you. I completely get what you were saying, it's a new world out there with these 20-30 somethings. The guy I thought would take my seat one day just left for another job, didn't leave for more money, better benefits or a better opportunity. He left because his wife didn't want him traveling anymore, they are trying to have a baby. He even admitted the new job has little to no advancement opportunities and he's going to hate working in the office.
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I dont know how contractors, like mechanical, deal with bid jobs. It is a mountain of info. My dealings were just with some drawings and specs on equipment, which took some time in itself. Could not imagine being an estimator. Had a couple of 300 page bids, and I just told management that I cant sit in office all week preparing.

My other boss (not my best friend) does takeoffs for entire apartment complexes. 1 after another endlessly. Every board or sheet of lumber, every piece of every kind of siding. All the deck and breezeway materials, housewrap/zip, flashings, nails, hardware, etc etc. About half of our jobs are turnkey like that. I worked in the office for him after my 2nd back surgery for 2 weeks and helped with those takeoffs. It was mind numbing and horrible. I would much, much rather be onsite even though i have to deal with winters and summers. I will be miserable if I ever have to move to that job. I am sure he doesnt mind though because its made him a millionaire many times over. He has a young guy pretty fresh outta college that helps him now too. I hated it though. So tedious.
*walks in puts soap box down and steps up on it*


My latest observation during my time contracting is the complete lack of the next generation of engineering leadership to have any dynamic thinking capacity and mange risk on the fly, to be completely susceptible to unimportant distractions which pop up and manage to consume all available brain capacity spinning over absolute unimportant ********, and to be completely unable to use first or second year basic physics rules to help understand what the data in front of them is telling them and how if at all they should adjust their current troubleshooting tack. And lastly I’m disappointed in myself because one of my biggest responsibilities had always been preparing the next generation of senior engineers. I am an abject failure.

I am working on an issue that is really straight forward, to me anyway. In peeling the onion on answering the mail of what I really think were a couple of trivial items I’ve seen some issues the are way more troubling and where we should be looking. But… no let’s ignore the possible show stoppers and instead focus of the minutia stuff that is technically trivial. Ok fine by me I’m paid by the hour now.

Just so damn disappointing looking around. I had to just get up and walk out and start my usual four day weekend early. After checking out I spoke with a protege to make sure I had my head wrapped around this situation correctly and I needed some specific background info he had on the issue I’m really worried about. Yes, I had my head wrapped around it correctly. Yes, what I uncovered is WAY more important. Ok thanks for the sanity check.

I’m not sure how much longer I can be Jack Nicholson walking around the asylum. And look how it turned out for him anyway.

Thank you.

*steps down picks up soapbox and walks off*
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Oh it’s easy to just call me a grumpy old man sure. And I know I sound just like the “kids these days” stereotype too. But …. Stupid is stupid. And obvious stupidity is obvious.

It’s easier for me to vent anonymously here with my “get off my lawn” rant and then roll back in Tuesday morning smiling and beaming. That’s all.

I still think a lot of problems in the engineering field have to do with fewer kids having had the opportunity to take things apart and see how they work like a lot of us did. Fewer kids grow up on farms or around other around equipment and learn to use it. So many missed opportunities. It also seems that education checked out maybe 40 years ago and we're starting to see the result. It started looking bad when educational degrees became the big thing like business degrees - that somehow the theories behind teaching or managing supersede or were just more important than actually knowing the subject to be taught or how the business actually works. Some things have to be learned on the way up ... you just don't slip people in in the middle because of a degree. Could be this is all more the result of screwed up education rather than the new kids themselves.
Joey could be taking pictures of sunsets and then passing them office Sun rises. That would be a dastardly deception.

Well ... It was definitely morning when I took them and I’m pretty sure I was facing East when I did, so there is that. Besides ... us Rubes while having the perception of low down just aren’t that clever.
Well ... It was definitely morning when I took them and I’m pretty sure I was facing East when I did, so there is that. Besides ... us Rubes while having the perception of low down just aren’t that clever.
Idk. I mean, how do we know these are taken on earth?. Maybe it's a sun rise/set over venus or europa.
Idk. I mean, how do we know these are taken on earth?. Maybe it's a sun rise/set over venus or europa.

While admittedly semi intoxicated during the commission of some of these photos, I wasn’t so hammered as to not remembering I had to have my passport to get the shot. I hear Venus is a drag and overrated anyway.

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