Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread


Waffle House? Whose ass did you kick? Fingers crossed it was @hog88 for telling me I was wrong when I was in fact correct.

This trip was no business, just pleasure Weezy. I know I have the low standards of my white trash beginnings, but to me the ole House is top shelf cuisine. I have tried to mimic their hashbrowns at home from both frozen and the Betty Crocker dehydrated can't be done. They're like McDonalds fries. Mmmmm. Once the Bidenomics pushed a combo from the fast food joints into the $11- $13 range they now cost...WH become not only objectively higher quality food but the same price or in some cases cheaper as well. So I eat there 2 or 3 times a week now.

Hog is due for a major comeuppance.
Its a mighty long time until we observe our traditional feats of strength and airing of grievances. If you need to vent, i will save you a seat on the good guys booth at the 'House. Never, ever sit with your back to the door at a WH. Haha. Or anywhere else if you can help it.
It's weird. Essentially you're eating a baby duck without the bones. But nothing is really formed so you're not chewing meat as you'd imagine. From what I remember, and yes I was drunk, it really didn't have much of a strong flavor or taste of any kind. The locals love it and slurp it down.

Wtf is wrong with people? I have never been that hungry. Ever.

Just stop.

Ban this guy.
It made my stomach queazy for a sec. Ewww
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Confit, which is strange.

Fat cooked in fat. I have a picture that went viral on reddit of how it was served. Allow me a moment to dig through my phone.
Follow-up question - did you order this with knowledge of what it was? In my case with the blood sausage, my business associate from Argentina was ordering for our group, so I had no idea what it was. Everything else down there was really good.
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Follow-up question - did you order this with knowledge of what it was? In my case with the blood sausage, my business associate from Argentina was ordering for our group, so I had no idea what it was. Everything else down there was really good.

I speak enough Spanish so as a lover of pork, I had to ask them what the word for "nipple" was when they zipped it by me.

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