Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Every US city that I go to reeks of weed. Not a hint in Japan or Korea.

As someone who used to smoke hella weed as a teenager...this is not a good thing. Weed isnt nearly as bad as the hard drugs. True. But it absolutely kills initiative, causes laziness, kills braincells, and impairs the memory of most people who smoke it regularly. There are some highly motivated and disciplined people that smoke regularly without these issues...but they are rare in my experience. Kids and teens do not need to be smoking, vaping, or eating weed related products. It damages the still developing brain....and since the last 2 generations are objectively ignorant already compared to both their predecessors AND peers in other Western nations maybe we need to get them off drugs and actually learning something useful. Between prescription drugs, illegal drugs and social media...these kids are struggling. We need to focus on them and the future rather than all the nonsense in the 24hr news cycle.
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As someone who used to smoke hella weed as a teenager...this is not a good thing. Weed isnt nearly as bad as the hard drugs. True. But it absolutely kills initiative, causes laziness, kills braincells, and impairs the memory of most people who smoke it regularly. There are some highly motivated and disciplined people that smoke regularly without these issues...but they are rare in my experience. Kids and teens do not need to be smoking, vaping, or eating weed related products. It damages the still developing brain....and since the last 2 generations are objectively ignorant already compared to both their predecessors AND peers in other Western nations maybe we need to get them off drugs and actually learning something useful. Between prescription drugs, illegal drugs and social media...these kids are struggling. We need to focus on them and the future rather than all the nonsense in the 24hr news cycle.
I'm not a smoker. I am a drinker. But replace weed with alcohol in this statement and you have the bigger problem.
Damn, I went all Biden in my typing didn’t I?

I’m not opposed to living in McDadistan but it has to be bigger than your house. Maybe I can park my trailer in your yard.

Don't go to McDadistan, immigrate to Hogland we're much better. Plus, after a bit we'll invade, conquer and enslave the people of McDadistan <evil laugh>.
Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.
Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.
that was the trifecta of male effing up with a woman.
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Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.
Sorry to learn of you and your son's future passing.

RIP to you both.
Latest update on @SweetasSoda from @VOLSONLY

Update on @SweetasSoda, was told this morning they’re putting a feeding tube in and a trach. The plan after these procedures is to move her to a nursing home. 🥲 was told she’s in a vegetative state. Prayers for everyone involved 🥲 not the update that I wanted to post this morning, my heart is broken
yeah keep telling yourself that over and over
As someone who used to smoke hella weed as a teenager...this is not a good thing. Weed isnt nearly as bad as the hard drugs. True. But it absolutely kills initiative, causes laziness, kills braincells, and impairs the memory of most people who smoke it regularly. There are some highly motivated and disciplined people that smoke regularly without these issues...but they are rare in my experience. Kids and teens do not need to be smoking, vaping, or eating weed related products. It damages the still developing brain....and since the last 2 generations are objectively ignorant already compared to both their predecessors AND peers in other Western nations maybe we need to get them off drugs and actually learning something useful. Between prescription drugs, illegal drugs and social media...these kids are struggling. We need to focus on them and the future rather than all the nonsense in the 24hr news cycle.

You're like the DARE Lion I've spent the past 20 years severely disappointing.

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