Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.
Man, that was a dumb decision on your son's part.

I mean, assuming your wife can cook. If not, then it's whatever. But for those of us with mom's that can cook, never piss off momma.
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Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.
that was the trifecta of male effing up with a woman.

Wow. That's impressive. That level of screwup is generally reserved for husbands.
I'm not sure if Karma is who should be blamed, but she (or somebody) seriously offended me today. Just a series things like why do you see the same people over and over in the grocery, but the one REALLY ogle worthy woman just disappears? Why is it the driver in the car in front doesn't understand that if he/she continues to dawdle, the upcoming traffic light will change and you have to sit through the entire cycle?
In the FF uniform discussion thread, there was a sideline about football and its relevance to all UT athletics. One poster used VN forums as evidence to bolster the point. For sports forums, FF has most threads and messages, followed by basketball and baseball.

Recruiting is the second biggest forum. And then there's, guess who? The PF which is driven by us...the lovable band of misfits. We are 3rd in threads and messages.

It is time to unite, and rise in solidarity to demand Freak include us in the obscene amount of revenue he rakes in every single day.
In the FF uniform discussion thread, there was a sideline about football and its relevance to all UT athletics. One poster used VN forums as evidence to bolster the point. For sports forums, FF has most threads and messages, followed by basketball and baseball.

Recruiting is the second biggest forum. And then there's, guess who? The PF which is driven by us...the lovable band of misfits. We are 3rd in threads and messages.

It is time to unite, and rise in solidarity to demand Freak include us in the obscene amount of revenue he rakes in every single day.

A free sandwich would be nice.
Hog Jr lost his mom last night.

No, no, she's still breathing but he committed the most egregious afront to his mom one could ever imagine. He told her she was wrong and I was right and she needed to settle down and stop overreacting. IDK if there's any coming back from that.

If yours is anything like my wife, that which would have cost you a week or 3 of abject misery will conveniently blow right over when its her offspring saying the obvious(but hard to swallow) truth to her. My son can say things that I would never dream of saying to her. Of course I like sex and home cooked meals etc...he has literally nothing to lose lmao. Mine is certified batsheet crazy though and like me doesn't dispute this may have lucked up and married a somewhat emotionally stable woman. From what I have read, they do exist under certain rare the white buffalo that was just born in Yellowstone a couple weeks ago. At any rate, good luck when she gets back man. Good job on Junior for getting Dads back,too.
You're like the DARE Lion I've spent the past 20 years severely disappointing.
Haha. I went thru the DARE program with the rest of my 6th grade class. I think it was counterproductive honestly. Dude brought in examples of what a bowl, a joint, a bag of white powder etc looked like. Then explained each drug and what it did to the body to get people high etc. Not helpful IMO. I didn't even know 10% of what he taught us beforehand. The real killer was when the cop and my teacher put everyone doing some stupid busy work worksheets etc and then systematically brought every kid in my class over 1 at a time to the corner of the classroom....where the cop spoke in a near whisper as he said:
" take a good look at all of these things. (Paraphernalia) you can pick them up and look closer if you want to. Do you ever see any of these things at home? Ever seen them laying around at the house? "

Trying to get a bunch of 12yo kids to unknowingly narc on their parents/family members. I bet child protective services would have accompanied those cops to come by the house as well...if the cops tried that BS today they would get sued immediately. I never even told my parents it happened. I was oblivious at the time. I had never seen any of those things before, never seen anyone smoking weed even. I only knew weed smelled like a skunk from being at a UT game with my Pappaw and smelling it. I asked him what that skunk smell was and he said "somebodys smoking wacky tobacco" lmao. FWIW me and all my buddies were smoking weed regularly and drinking when we could by 8th/9th grade a couple years later. It was MUCH harder to get alcohol than weed until i got a fake ID in highschool.
If yours is anything like my wife, that which would have cost you a week or 3 of abject misery will conveniently blow right over when its her offspring saying the obvious(but hard to swallow) truth to her. My son can say things that I would never dream of saying to her. Of course I like sex and home cooked meals etc...he has literally nothing to lose lmao. Mine is certified batsheet crazy though and like me doesn't dispute this may have lucked up and married a somewhat emotionally stable woman. From what I have read, they do exist under certain rare the white buffalo that was just born in Yellowstone a couple weeks ago. At any rate, good luck when she gets back man. Good job on Junior for getting Dads back,too.

He's not dumb and apparently broke out his secret weapon, he had our granddaughter call her this morning. HTF am going to compete with that?
I am late starting the BaseVols game bc just finished watching the 1st inning. Wont post score in case someone else hasn't watched yet....

Let me just say that Kavaris Tears has been an absolute hero in Omaha man. Wow. Lots of guys have been heroes hitting...and we needed every single hit last time vs FSU. But for Tears to move over from RF to Center because of Ensleys injury and just make that catch was HUGE. Again. I love this team man. They are as clutch as can be and you can tell these guys really love eachother. We have amazing coaching staffs in football baseball and basketball. Best 3 coach group in the country hands down. What a time to be a VOL!!!
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