Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

You are so cheap. Leave the negotiations to the people who know their self worth.

People like.....uh....welll............

Ok, no one here knows their worth. So, fair point hog, we are petitioning Freak for a free Sammich!!!

Geez man ... at least throw in some chips and a beer too. If it was me, I’d hold out for some doughnuts as well.
Not sure about @AM64 , but there is a video of a guy in the 1980s that said he routinely did swim in the pools.

Hard to imagine that anyone was able to do that, but crazy things do happen. The water quality is closely maintained, and the spent fuel pools are probably borated - don't know because it was out of my area of responsibility.

Other than the pool reactors at Oak Ridge, my first experience with fuel under water was at Oconee near Clemson, SC a few months after graduation from UT. Anything that breaks loose or left in the reactor coolant system is a very serious matter, so the nuclear industry developed Loose Part Monitoring Systems to detect and analyze impacts inside the reactor and steam generators. At Oconee one of the Sample Surveillance Holder Tubes had become loose and was impacting the outside of the core barrel (SSHTs hold metal samples to be removed at refueling and tested for evidence of radiation embrittlement). We were pretty certain the cause - triangulation of the impacts showed it to be non moving and we estimated the location, but we wanted a better measure of the sound propagation within the reactor. One reactor was shut down for refueling and the head removed but the fuel still in place, and they decided safe enough to quickly install a few accelerometers around the flange if we minimized the stay time while in direct line of sight with the fuel.

I got to see the nice blue glow close up and personal. We were all suited up with dosimetry and everything taped over, all tools tied off with cord. We even had the accelerometers connected to the cables before dropping them down into the pool (dry) to the top of the open reactor - the pool floor is level with the reactor flange. The dark humor was if you dropped anything in you might as well go in after it. We got the accelerometers in place and tapped the flange with an instrumented hammer (load cell to measure both the impact level and the precise time of the impact with relation to each accelerometer). I can promise that the three of us down in the pool were happy to be back out and dosimetry reading within normal limits ... and heart rate back to normal. One of those experiences you never forget.

The pool above the reactor is flooded during refueling since the fuel assemblies are pulled out of the reactor and then rotated horizontally while moved through a tunnel to the spent fuel pool. In this case the pool was dry either because refueling was not started or was complete.
Hard to imagine that anyone was able to do that, but crazy things do happen. The water quality is closely maintained, and the spent fuel pools are probably borated - don't know because it was out of my area of responsibility.

Other than the pool reactors at Oak Ridge, my first experience with fuel under water was at Oconee near Clemson, SC a few months after graduation from UT. Anything that breaks loose or left in the reactor coolant system is a very serious matter, so the nuclear industry developed Loose Part Monitoring Systems to detect and analyze impacts inside the reactor and steam generators. At Oconee one of the Sample Surveillance Holder Tubes had become loose and was impacting the outside of the core barrel (SSHTs hold metal samples to be removed at refueling and tested for evidence of radiation embrittlement). We were pretty certain the cause - triangulation of the impacts showed it to be non moving and we estimated the location, but we wanted a better measure of the sound propagation within the reactor. One reactor was shut down for refueling and the head removed but the fuel still in place, and they decided safe enough to quickly install a few accelerometers around the flange if we minimized the stay time while in direct line of sight with the fuel.

I got to see the nice blue glow close up and personal. We were all suited up with dosimetry and everything taped over, all tools tied off with cord. We even had the accelerometers connected to the cables before dropping them down into the pool (dry) to the top of the open reactor - the pool floor is level with the reactor flange. The dark humor was if you dropped anything in you might as well go in after it. We got the accelerometers in place and tapped the flange with an instrumented hammer (load cell to measure both the impact level and the precise time of the impact with relation to each accelerometer). I can promise that the three of us down in the pool were happy to be back out and dosimetry reading within normal limits ... and heart rate back to normal. One of those experiences you never forget.

The pool above the reactor is flooded during refueling since the fuel assemblies are pulled out of the reactor and then rotated horizontally while moved through a tunnel to the spent fuel pool. In this case the pool was dry either because refueling was not started or was complete.
That’s beats any rap test nightmare I’ve ever had to participate in. My worst was 30’ in the air in a cherry picker analyzing Mount compliance on a telescoping tower mounted sensor.
I’ve done it.
It’s not easy.

Well done Slice. Bible thread or do they not even try to police that one? I saw dude answer the same question that nobody asked him about 174 times in a row and quit going down that street altogether...people get real touchy sometimes in religious discussions. That preacher OC was 1 of my favorite posters here in the PF until we burnt him out sadly. The only place I ever see him anymore is in the RF from time to time. Hes actually a really nice guy. I have talked to him several times on the phone back in the day.
That’s beats any rap test nightmare I’ve ever had to participate in. My worst was 30’ in the air in a cherry picker analyzing Mount compliance on a telescoping tower mounted sensor.

I can really sympathize with that. There were questions about fuel bundle vibration on the trolley and "up ender" that moves fuel assemblies from the reactor pool to the spent fuel pool. I wound up dangling over the edge of the pool putting accelerometers on a dummy fuel assembly. I had a safety harness, but that doesn't cure the fear of heights. During the process, one of the other guys asked how it was going, and I said something was shaking and I didn't think it was the fuel assembly. As I recall the pools are over 20 ft (40 sticks in my mind but that seems too much) - it sure looked like a long way down. I don't think I could have handled your cherry picker.
Well done Slice. Bible thread or do they not even try to police that one? I saw dude answer the same question that nobody asked him about 174 times in a row and quit going down that street altogether...people get real touchy sometimes in religious discussions. That preacher OC was 1 of my favorite posters here in the PF until we burnt him out sadly. The only place I ever see him anymore is in the RF from time to time. Hes actually a really nice guy. I have talked to him several times on the phone back in the day.
He still posts in the recruiting forum.
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Well done Slice. Bible thread or do they not even try to police that one? I saw dude answer the same question that nobody asked him about 174 times in a row and quit going down that street altogether...people get real touchy sometimes in religious discussions. That preacher OC was 1 of my favorite posters here in the PF until we burnt him out sadly. The only place I ever see him anymore is in the RF from time to time. Hes actually a really nice guy. I have talked to him several times on the phone back in the day.
I miss OC, too.
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In an imitation of Freak's Fri before a football game thread...

Ok, BaseVol followers. CWS starts tomorrow. UT vs TAMU. Best of 3 (I think).

Who wins and why will it be UT? Will it go to 3 games? Series MVP? Plans to watch?
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In an imitation of Freak's Fri before a football game thread...

Ok, BaseVol followers. CWS starts tomorrow. UT vs TAMU. Best of 3 (I think).

Who wins and why will it be UT? Will it go to 3 games? Series MVP? Plans to watch?

Of course I’ll be watching. I think we will, just gut feeling that it goes 3 games but we win it.

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