Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

I also have a Frankenear. A guy i had beat up earlier in the night at a house (keg) party snuck up in my peripheral and tried to take my head off with a clothes iron straight at my face. I saw only the flash of light reflecting off of "big shiny obect" coming right at my grill, and managed to turn my head to the right....he caught me flush on my left ear and split it from the lobe all the way up in my earhole. Split my ear in two. I didnt realize that though. It knocked me back into a wall, and a buddy standing next to me pushed the guy a pretty good distance away from us. Thankfully that gave me a second to figure out who hit me and where they were so I could beat his ass again. I needed that second badly since it kept him from getting another free shot on me with iron while i was disoriented. We left pretty soon after that bc my ear wouldn't stop bleeding so i drove my gf and I to the ER and got stitched up.
I love this story…. What kind of guy brings an iron to a fist fight?😁 I’m sure they make a very distinctive sound when bouncing off a skull. When you came back to reality was it a huge surge of rage?
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I love this story…. What kind of guy brings an iron to a fist fight?😁 I’m sure they make a very distinctive sound when bouncing off a skull. When you came back to reality was it a huge surge of rage?
always pleat your pants before a fight..gotta look sharp.
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Theres a reason why I put Stamos/Causey as my 3rd choice for starting pitching here in game 1. I totally understand why Coach stuck with his normal rotation and started these 2...but either of the other 2 options are actually better at sitting down opposing batters in big games IMO. Hopefully we can get these bats to wake up soon!! Lets GO VOLS
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I love this story…. What kind of guy brings an iron to a fist fight?😁 I’m sure they make a very distinctive sound when bouncing off a skull. When you came back to reality was it a huge surge of rage?

Yeah I was pissed. Thankfully he only tagged me with that thing once though. Would have really hurt me if he got me repeatedly. Ive been really blessed man. I was really dumb as a teenager and young adult. Was never one to pick on anyone or really start fights but we always got into something...thats just what happens when a bunch of young folks are drinking and partying all the time.
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Yeah I was pissed. Thankfully he only tagged me with that thing once though. Would have really hurt me if he got me repeatedly. Ive been really blessed man. I was really dumb as a teenager and young adult. Was never one to pick on anyone or really start fights but we always got into something...thats just what happens when a bunch of young folks are drinking and partying all the time.
Same here…. I didn’t go looking for it, but I wasn’t going to let someone try and punk me either.
Yeah I was pissed. Thankfully he only tagged me with that thing once though. Would have really hurt me if he got me repeatedly. Ive been really blessed man. I was really dumb as a teenager and young adult. Was never one to pick on anyone or really start fights but we always got into something...thats just what happens when a bunch of young folks are drinking and partying all the time..
Remember I told yall that we just had to get 5* OT David Sanders past his final OV this weekend at the buckeyes? The no2 overall player at any position from over here in Charlotte has been rumored to be a silent commit to UT for a while now. Maybe Coach is just waiting to go public when we really need the momentum/press ? is Sanders throwing up the VOL sign in photos in Columbus yesterday on his buckeyes OV hahahaha

(Hes the big guy on the left.)


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