Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

A-Aron Murray is a closet VOLS fan. He picks us to upset Bama, says the WRs and offense finally get back on track thanks to Bamas suspect secondary. He's a vocal Nico fan too...but thats a little different since they are both SEC QBs. He has talked us up all season though, and picked us in every game either outright or ATS. FWIW, former gump QB McElroy is a VOL and Nico believer as well. Strange though to get so much love from rival QBs that we used to hate lmao!
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So I learned that I know even less about football than I thought I did; the guy was interesting, but sometimes hard to follow if you don't speak the language.

One thing that keeps going through my mind after seeing the replays and explanations is why do you put big guys in motion - like one end of the line to the other; fatigue is an issue. Momentum is mass times velocity, and obviously big beefy bodies are highly desirable since momentum is all about keeping things moving in the same direction. However, energy is mass times velocity squared so moving those same big beefy bodies consumes lots of energy, and the analyst seemed to think Heard was getting winded. It's one thing when guys are just big and the mass comes from large stature, but that stuff hanging over linemen's belts isn't muscle. Just seems that it might make more sense to keep linemen more in their own lanes and conserve energy ... but then as I said, there's obviously a lot I don't know about line play in football except line leakage is a big problem.

The last rushing TD in OT supports your claim. The same 330lb Tackle that was wearing cement shoes for most of the game and completely gassed sprints at amazing speed for a man his size all the way to the endzone~ 25 yards away. To throw a block immediately to Sampsons left at the 1 yard line so that he enters the endzone clean rather than getting stopped at the 1, or taking a big hit there anyway but still manages to score. The TV timeout coupled with the time the defense was on the field turned him into a totally different player than the guy who struggled mightily for the rest of the game. The guy breaking down the video was amazed...

Our boy fell into the perfect situation. His coach is Redick, a very similar player to Dalton that absolutely loves him. They are already a good team, that needed a solid outside shooter and rebounder. He was made for this role. Most NBA rookies dont break into the regular rotation for a couple seasons. He has a good chance to be a rotation player from day fact, its his to lose at this point. He has struggled with his shot a little so far, which I don't really understand with his range. I am sure he will adjust though. So happy for DK.
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The last rushing TD in OT supports your claim. The same 330lb Tackle that was wearing cement shoes for most of the game and completely gassed sprints at amazing speed for a man his size all the way to the endzone~ 25 yards away. To throw a block immediately to Sampsons left at the 1 yard line so that he enters the endzone clean rather than getting stopped at the 1, or taking a big hit there anyway but still manages to score. The TV timeout coupled with the time the defense was on the field turned him into a totally different player than the guy who struggled mightily for the rest of the game. The guy breaking down the video was amazed...
OT was about the one time we went tempo, and just kept the pressure on. except for the should have been TD and then the TD run from the half inch line, we kept changing what we did. ran inside, ran outside, passed wide, passed over the middle. hit them with everything and tempo and it kept them on the back foot.

I think that helped out everyone, including the OTs. we need tempo and varied playcalling. we can drop one or the other to kinda be in maintain mode, but if we go slow and predictable on play calling we look pedestrian as all get out. My GF who has only sorta been watching football while dating me, third season, was able to call who some of the pass plays were designed to go to in real time, in person, no commentary or TV pauses or highlights to help. if she is able to call that stuff, you know opposing D's are eating it up, she doesn't take football too seriously either, so its not like she is some savant.

IDK why it took till OT to pull that out. maybe OT is scripted so they can run that faster than the rest. if so we need more of that. but it begs the question why we don't have scripted success on the first couple drives too.
but it begs the question why we don't have scripted success on the first couple drives too.
We had great success on drive #1. The fumble destroyed what we accomplished on the possession. Had we finished that first drive, we might have had a different demeanor and come away with a "ripping good victory" (hat tip to @Carl Pickens )
Suck it up buttercup. Us fatties look forward to the cooler weather all summer long.

Can’t play golf, can’t ride my bike, can’t comfortably sit out on the dock. There is absolutely nothing for me to like about the cold. Plus it’s painful these days.

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