Official Gramps' Memorial Eternal OT Thread

OT was about the one time we went tempo, and just kept the pressure on. except for the should have been TD and then the TD run from the half inch line, we kept changing what we did. ran inside, ran outside, passed wide, passed over the middle. hit them with everything and tempo and it kept them on the back foot.

I think that helped out everyone, including the OTs. we need tempo and varied playcalling. we can drop one or the other to kinda be in maintain mode, but if we go slow and predictable on play calling we look pedestrian as all get out. My GF who has only sorta been watching football while dating me, third season, was able to call who some of the pass plays were designed to go to in real time, in person, no commentary or TV pauses or highlights to help. if she is able to call that stuff, you know opposing D's are eating it up, she doesn't take football too seriously either, so its not like she is some savant.

IDK why it took till OT to pull that out. maybe OT is scripted so they can run that faster than the rest. if so we need more of that. but it begs the question why we don't have scripted success on the first couple drives too.
Good post bud. I knew we were in deep doodoo immediately when we didn't score on the opening drive vs Arkansas, and Flarduh. We have been the no1 scoring team in the 1st quarter in FBS for nearly all of CJH tenure. Remember several TV broadcasts also where they talked about the fact UT had scored a TD on our 1st (scripted,) drive in every game that season. Hype is smart to focus on repping that 1st drive until its butter for every game...mentally and tactically its huge to never trail teams in the 1st half. It puts all the pressure on them when done right.

all of your problems here are fixed with proper clothing attire.

none of the issues with the summer can be fixed with the proper clothing attire. I am going to sweat my nuts off in the summer even if I am walking around in swim trunks only.

the cold gives us:
mosquitos go back to whatever hell they came from.
no swamp ass
you don't break out into a sweat just taking the trash to the road.
you can spend more than an hour outside without dying from a heat stroke.
using a fire pit is actually enjoyable.
more and better food options, no heathen is eating chili in the summer.
its possible to enjoy more than watered down piss beer outside.

I am a prototype "hard gainer" and have spent nearly all my life trying to gain or maintain weight/muscle. That said, everything here is true. I sweat like a big man too...probably twice as much as the average guy my size. Its from working outside 30+ summers in a row in 90 to 100 degree heat down here in the piedmont of NC with insane humidity. If I start any physical activity when the temperature is 75 or more, my body goes into full-on survival mode ...,"dump as much H2O as humanly possible so we don't have a heat stroke" is the auto response from my brain. Its great when doing strenuous work outside in sucks under pretty much any other circumstances. October is by far my favorite month of the year...Temps usually range from 40s in the AM to 60s, or 50s to 70s. Perfection. March is usually good too with similar Temps...but there's no football.
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you are going to drink something decently heavy while sitting outside in the summer? aint no way I am drinking a beer above 6% abv at Truist in August.

yeah you can find quality light stuff, but half of the total options are removed during the summer.

I can and do drink Sweetwater 420 or IPAs and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale on any day regardless of weather.
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