So they found polyps on my first one and I was on the 5 year plan. Next time they found nothing and put me back on the 10 year plan. They kept you on 5 year after a clean exam?62 here - first colonoscopy at 50ish. had polyps so on the 5 year plan. no cancer.
on the prostate exam all I can say is I had a mildly high PSA test and doc recommended biopsy since my dad had prostate cancer - it was a horrible experience but how I learned I have prostate cancer. fortunately it's low grade so I'm just on active surveillance.
my point? stop worrying about violation and keep an eye on your health. you've been through worse than these procedures. suck it up
Drink more coffee and water!Thanks to everyone who responded. Really appreciate it. I am 47 so its probably time to do something soon. My bowels Definitely dont work the way they did just a couple years ago either, so I am thinking i have some kind of obstruction. I have a regular appointment in January. Will have to address the issue then i guess. My family medical history on my Dads side is as bad as it gets with cancer. Yall might remember it taking him in 9 weeks a few years ago. All of his siblings also died in their 60s from cancers of 1 type or another. I hate cancer. Passionately. If I get diagnosed, I think I am gonna pass on the chemo. Didnt help my Dad at all...and kept him stuck in the hospital and miserable for the last 9 weeks of his life when all he wanted was to go home. Anyway, sorry for the depressing post. Thanks guys.
I thought you hated Fords? I looked at the new half and three quarter tons too much electronics and gizmos on them. Mine is a 2012 but only 83k miles. I think I’ll keep it for another decade.
My 2012 has one camera. The backup camera. Greatest light duty truck invention of the last 20 years I hook my boat up by myself in 20 seconds and one try. The current models have no less than seven cameras. The local Ford dealer called me with a cash back “opportunity” that expires soon so act now! I told him I was looking at a new truck about 2 months ago and came to the conclusion that A) I can’t get the features I want without going to a loaded Lariat or King Ranch and B) they have entirely too much needless garbage on them now that I don’t want and won’t pay for. So no tyvm I will be keeping my 13 year old F250 with 83k miles.Always favored Ford even though I’ve purchased others. Got rid of that Nissan Titan I was driving, gave it back to the fleet and got me a new F-250 Lariat. Went with the 7.3 Godzilla instead of the 6.7 diesel and so far I’m impressed. You’re right, it’s basically a rolling computer.