Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Swain talkin up Gruden, Taggert, Frost, Mullen and from the NFL: Tomlin and Marrone

Tomlin? Swain must be on crack. Tomlin is Steeler's football--tough, make no excuses, take no prisoners. They are 7-2, tied with best record in NFL. I would love him as coach, but that definitely ain't happening.
I don't have anything against it, but why would he leave the Steelers that have continued success every year to come to us? What connection am I failing to see?

This is my feelings as well..... If Gruden is a no.... but can't see him interested
Tomlin? Swain must be on crack. Tomlin is Steeler's football--tough, make no excuses, take no prisoners. They are 7-2, tied with best record in NFL. I would love him as coach, but that definitely ain't happening.

No it's not, but what's a coaching search without a little off-the-wall speculation and dreaming. Most in this thread believe/hope it's a done deal with the Grude, but we need our coaching search fix too. :hi:
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1. Not all coaching search work involves travel.

2. Standing still does not mean being disconnected.

As long as there's still phone and internet service to his office, Currie can be wheeling and dealing like a mad man and never open his office door.

Yes, that is my point. Hubbs made it sound like he would not do any work on it til later in the week.
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A current NFL coach is not a viable alternative. We can't afford to wait until the NFL season is over to name a coach. It would leave the program in shambles.
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Tomlin? Swain must be on crack. Tomlin is Steeler's football--tough, make no excuses, take no prisoners. They are 7-2, tied with best record in NFL. I would love him as coach, but that definitely ain't happening.

2nd best record. Doesn't matter either way. Lol. But Philly is 8-1.
Hubbs with a Gruden nugget:

"The Gruden stuff will continue to grow. There's talk of him having to take a large pay cut at ESPN. So we will see where that goes."
Not saying that he would be interested, but there have been several instances of Tomlin and his players and owners not seeing eye to eye over the last 3 or so years. Big Ben and Antonio Bryant in particular have thrown back handed insults about him in the media. If he does not have the respect of the locker room, he could be looking for the next opportunity elsewhere. I don't see Tennessee being a good fit though.
Currie! Put to bed, for good, the Grumers.....

Mr. Currie,

Please get with Jon Gruden and his agent sometime within the next 48 hours. Draft an offical letter requesting a response in writing from him with a cut and dry response about whether or not he's SERIOUSLY interested in the job. It could even be drafted in a way that has a check yes or check no box.

Furthermore, Mr. Currie, please make public his response. So, our fan base will shut up one way or the other.

Whereas, UT fans seem to have a fascination with Jon Gruden for some reason. Eventhough he has never been a head coach at college ranks and hasn't coached a snap of football in 10 years more or less, this fan base seems to think he's the only answer.

Whereas, for some strange reason, a childish one, Jon Gruden seems to enjoy the attention. All at UTs expense. Well, Mr. Currie, it is a distraction. A major one. If Jon Gruden wants what's best for UT one should expect him to put to bed these "Grumers". But, he doesn't. He allows them to continue and even fuels these "Grumers" himself. As if some sort of sick joke.

Now Therefore, the loyal fan base of The University of Tennessee, request you do the above referenced so it can stop. Just stop. So, the madness can just stop. Please make this go away. Just like you did Butch Jones. Just go away. Either show the world his yes checked box or no checked box, so our crazed fans can move along.

Senior Member, VolNation

Mr. MadBamaHater,

I appreciate your kind letter of earlier today, which I read with interest.

As you clearly already know, I have made it my entire focus until the mission is accomplished to find the absolute best head football coach possible for the University of Tennessee. A coach with integrity and character, one who can bring our program back to the championship level.

The University of Tennessee has one of the proudest and most engaged and engaging fan bases in all of college sports. I understand your desire to help Tennessee fans find closure, and that you believe it would help for me to put an end to the "Grumors" so that they can, as you phrased it, "move on."

I must inform you, however that I can not do that. See, Jon Gruden signed on as Tennessee's next head football coach last Wednesday. I'm just sitting around in my office for the next two weeks to give the appearance of "due diligence." I may even make a flight or two in one of the University aircraft, to further that impression.

I'd like to thank you again for your letter of concern, and wish you the very best in what I think will prove to be many exciting years of Tennessee football to come.

With Warm Regards,

John Currie
Athletic Director
The University of Tennessee
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if espn goes out of business, we won't be watching much college football on tv. be like the 80's all over again. i hope they get their business worked out ... and letting gruden go is part of that.

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