Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Dish (and by default, Charlie Ergen) owns a lot of wireless spectrum that is in the range used by the cellular phone companies. The spectrum was bought at auction from the FCC and has a requirement attached to build out or use in a wireless network by 2021 (I think that's the date, have to double check). As of yet, there are no public indications on how Dish plans on using the spectrum but there's a lot of speculation. The spectrum is becoming increasingly valuable as the demand for wireless data goes through the roof.

Just spitballing here..but isn’t that the same year as MNF contract comes up?
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Heard Josh Ward’s interview with our QB commit Adrian Martinez. He sounds like a very impressive young man!

Anyway, one interesting tidbit was that John Currie called him and his dad and said the timeline for a hire was days.

That would be very unlikely if it was a sitting college HC at a successful program or an NFL coach. Sounds like good news for us here.

Where exactly did Martinez say the timeline was days? Seems like this article says "before Dec. 20".
Haha! I finally see the "other" Wild As A Mink on Well met, lady. :)

A couple of other folks and I got confused together a couple of days ago because they were saying Wild As a Mink is a woman, and I was saying he's a man. Then someone pointed out there are two people with similar names. :)

So...nice to meet you. :hi: Your "twin brother" is bats**t crazy, but in a lovable, entirely pro-Vol way. Don't know if you've run into him yet.

Go Vols!

p.s. Researchers have confirmed that women can see up to 25,500 distinct shades of color. Men see 6. :)

Pleasure to meet you! I’m definitely a girl and have heard all about the other relation lol. Was shocked a dude took that name. Seemed like a good Vol loving girl kinda reference. Sadly, it wasn’t a very original name :no: But I am all VOL!

Regarding colors and men vs. women in perception—you’re 100% correct! My husband accused me of making up colors just yesterday lol. I had to teach him that red and yellow make orange. :banghead2:
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Where exactly did Martinez say the timeline was days? Seems like this article says "before Dec. 20".

“I can tell from what he told my father and I, he’s working really really hard,” Martinez continued. “He said it’s going to take awhile, it won’t be hours until a decision will be made, but it will be days. There’s a lot of work that has to go into this decision. It’s going to be a leader and someone that’s going to get this program back where it needs to be. He really reassured us that he’s going to get it done soon.”
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What a unique idea it would be to hire a Texas ex from this part of the country for a major coaching post at UT. I certainly would have never thought of it.

The pitchforks and torches would come out if they ever trotted Mack Brown out to a introductory press conference.

There would be no survivors I'm afraid.
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“I can tell from what he told my father and I, he’s working really really hard,” Martinez continued. “He said it’s going to take awhile, it won’t be hours until a decision will be made, but it will be days. There’s a lot of work that has to go into this decision. It’s going to be a leader and someone that’s going to get this program back where it needs to be. He really reassured us that he’s going to get it done soon.”

Thanks! :hi:
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He was talking about Yahoo failing as a company for hiring writers like that guy he was tweeting at. Verizon just bought Yahoo, and he was saying the guy better hope Verizon doesn't clean house (fire him) basically. Don't think too much

SIAP could also be referring to the proposed merger between Dish and Verizon?
if espn goes out of business, we won't be watching much college football on tv. be like the 80's all over again. i hope they get their business worked out ... and letting gruden go is part of that.


College football will be on regardless of ESPN, the popularity is huge. Producers follow ratings. Having said that I doubt they get out of the college football business. Somebody would swoop in and capitalize. :rock: SOON! GRUDEN TO THE HILL!!!!!!!
I've connected with someone on this very board who validated to me (and I was able to verify) his identity. Once he told me that Gruden wants the job, I knew it was true.

Sounds like you just outed yourself as the stalking horse... :)
Not sure if already posted but saw where babyvol asled the guy who was betting against gruden if he wanted to put another 1,000 down, posted last night.
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