Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Where exactly did Martinez say the timeline was days? Seems like this article says "before Dec. 20".

Also from that article:

“I can tell from what he told my father and I, he’s working really really hard,” Martinez continued. “He said it’s going to take awhile, it won’t be hours until a decision will be made, but it will be days. There’s a lot of work that has to go into this decision. It’s going to be a leader and someone that’s going to get this program back where it needs to be. He really reassured us that he’s going to get it done soon.”
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Jesse of VQ:
First things first on Jon Gruden. The #GRUMORS aren’t going away, but most of the buzz in the coaching world is that Gruden, if he chooses to decline a purported paycut at ESPN, is headed back to the Tampa Bay Bucs. But everyone knows that Gruden will play both sides of the fence and on top of the fence moving forward. He hasn't and will never rule anything out.
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Volnugs saying the TCU boards are discussing that Patterson has met with UT 3 times in the last month.
After Gruden is announced, Press release from Dish stating the first thing Ergen plans on doing with all that wireless spectrum is fix cell coverage/add public wifi to Neyland.

Would not be disappoint. Not at all.
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“I can tell from what he told my father and I, he’s working really really hard,” Martinez continued. “He said it’s going to take awhile, it won’t be hours until a decision will be made, but it will be days. There’s a lot of work that has to go into this decision. It’s going to be a leader and someone that’s going to get this program back where it needs to be. He really reassured us that he’s going to get it done soon.”

Nice. :) :eek:lol:
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Where exactly did Martinez say the timeline was days? Seems like this article says "before Dec. 20".

You need to listen to the whole thing. He says something like Currie said it was going to take a while, not hours but days.
This week, leaks will start to happen about Butch. He was hated by half the players and almost all the AD staff. Jerk of a person.

in my opinion, they will be interesting and (dare i say) even entertaining ... which will divert attention in the fanb base and media away from ..... gruden or whomever currie is after.

smokescreen without misinformation.
After Gruden is announced, Press release from Dish stating the first thing Ergen plans on doing with all that wireless spectrum is fix cell coverage/add public wifi to Neyland.

Would not be disappoint. Not at all.

That might endear him in the hearts of vol fans as much as getting Gruden.
Still waiting on Jim Tressel to be hired as our OC

I am good friend with a host on SRR"state ran radio" and being a troll I got him to build the rumor up on the radio. He even tracked the flight plan to Knoxville. Multiple people were citing sources and people were tweeting about it. It was an epic troll job. That was several years ago. I have left the troll game.

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Since we are talking about it, this is the post from Concep in the previous thread -

There is also a strategy called the stalking horse bid that is used to prevent low value bids on assets that belong to distressed companies, typically companies in bankruptcy. The stalking horse bidder will usually be given some incentives to take the risk of putting a fair market bid on the assets, regardless of if they end up being the high bid or not.

Imagine if Disney was considering putting a poor performing division out on the market for sale. Now imagine that the Ergens have agreed to put the initial bid for ESPN at a fair market value as long as Disney agrees to shed some of ESPNs expenses in the form of expensive headcount.

Of course this is all imagination land ish, but now Gruden is finding himself needing a new gig. The Ergens, through a VC, make a deal with the Grude that says that if UT HC position comes available and offered to him then he will sign.

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I would like to issue a word of caution for the board. First off, I believe that Gruden is the guy and we are basically waiting until he wants it public. NOBODY knows when that will be. In this internet age of instant gratification and constant news, waiting for this news will be excruciatingly painful. We will have to wait out and survive numerous troll infestations and attacks with each passing day Gruden isn't named. We will have to endure (probably) "news" from the state-run media (Hyams etc) that Currie has gauged interest of certain coaches or even interviewed some outright.

Hold firm my friends. Just because "SOON" will not be as soon as we want, do not lose hope. The payoff will be worth the wait.

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I am good friend with a host on SRR"state ran radio" and being a troll I got him to build the rumor up on the radio. He even tracked the flight plan to Knoxville. Multiple people were citing sources and people were tweeting about it. It was an epic troll job. That was several years ago. I have left the troll game.



You don't know anything more than the next person and you don't have a source.
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Volnugs saying the TCU boards are discussing that Patterson has met with UT 3 times in the last month.

Guy I work with made up something foolish and submitted it to volnugs a couple weeks ago just to see if it would get posted. Volnugs posted it and i heard it quoted on the radio. So volnugs is useless except for entertainment.
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