Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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On Tampa Bay....

- No sure thing they even have an opening

- Gruden supposedly has made amends with Glazer family, but its one thing to do so socially, another to bury the hatchet and go back to work for someone who fired you

- Noone has talked about this, but supposedly Gruden's youngest child still has another year of school left before college - does that factor at all?
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I agree with you Preacher, I believe it will be around the 21st or 22nd. That will give recruits time to line up their trip to Knoxville that weekend. I originally thought we would see a much later announcement due to Gruden and MNF, but Butch being gone speeds the window up. If we truly have reeled in the whale, then there is no way that we do not announce it before one last weekend of football. Use the announcement to salvage any recruiting we can at that point.

I see the Vandy scenario...but I really think the Friday before the SEC championship game makes the most sense.
SFD, I think you should go back and look at the posts by user Concep. The account is new, and everything they posted is cryptic and reads like they have more info than revealed.

Feels like a bubba-esque account.

Speaking of bubba, where’s that dude been?

Last two encounters were the bit coin fiasco, and the steak conversation. Feel like it’s time to see him again.

I’ve got mediation today, and won’t be around much. But, I wanted to throw that out there.

Thanks. I will after I do my grocery shopping. No Grumors if everybody is hungry tonight! :)
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Saturday, September 8, 2018...over 104,000 in attendence at Neyland Stadium...there is a different type wind swirling around Knoxville, the likes that fans have not felt in 20 years...suddenly, the band lines separate, the Power T is goes begin to look around, the stadium goes deathly silent...then a low rumble starts, rumbling sounds begin to increase, it sounds like the begining of the song "Thuderstruck"?...what is happening? It is getting louder, and louder, then it is no longer that familiar AC/DC tune, someway, somehow, it transitioned to our beloved Rocky Top just as our Tennessee Volunteers rush onto the field led by COACH Jon Gruden...then we all finally realize once and for all...It is FOOTBALL TIME in Tennessee (CHAMPIONSHIP STYLE)!

You gave me a massive Grude-on
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IMO..if he didn't take the Indy package deal, he's not taking the Tampa deal.

Sorta been there, done that thing...
Why would Jon Gruden be using Jimmy Haslam's private plane for the purposes of going to Tampa Bay?

Why would he go back to the place that fired him?

I doubt he wants to put up with Jameis Winston.

I'm not buying it. Maybe I should, but I'm not.

He has a $3M house in Tampa. I can confirm that too. Probably just going back home between gigs and talking to his agent about coming to the Hill :)

edit: took out Sexton
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I think two big forces of nature are going to pull (or have already pulled) Jon Gruden to Knoxville.

(1) Historic legacy. The club of head football coaches who have won both a college national championship and a super bowl is amazingly small. In his career field, that is the single biggest legacy prize out there for JG. And it's a massive one.

(2) Family. As you get older, you become ever more aware of the importance of family, of spending time with them while there is time. Friends, acquaintances and business associates are all wonderful, but the day your body goes into the ground, it's going to be 75% family there to witness. Key point: this tug tends to be stronger on women than men (dunno why, it just does), and so you can bet Cindy is exerting pressure on Jon to "get back home."

Like gravity (the weakest of the four forces of nature), these forces are relatively weak if you measure them at any instant in time. But they're constant, and over time will always pull you in.

Gruden to the Hill isn't just a hopeful phrase. It's accurate shorthand for tectonic forces in Jon Gruden's life.
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You didn't bold the "it's going to take awhile" right before the part you zoomed in on.

"Days" is vague. "Awhile" is vague.

Take all the information in that young man's statement, and you're still left with a really big window. Tomorrow afternoon fits in that window. December 15th fits in that window. November 27th fits in that window.

Don't look for tomorrow. Don't look for Dec 15th. Look right around Nov 27th, give or take 7 days. That's when it'll be done.

Agreed - I was just showing where it says days. I'm with you. Monday after thanksgiving. Just my guess. That is all.
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