Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Coming from John Brice this is very encouraging.

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People move further away from their in-laws, not closer. Don't drink the Grul-Aid.
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The stalking horse is not the deception of the idea itself, but the deception of who the idea is coming from.

Beav is stating he has been put out by the individual with the real power, to bring claims of Gruden to the masses to cause a reaction. What does this do? It puts pressure on those against the idea, because now the idea exists in the public. The idea Gruden is coming and nothing else will be accepted.

If the deal falls through, well, Beav takes the heat from the masses, but the powers that be do not.

If it goes through, the powers that be accomplished their task, and they can either choose to come out and claim the idea as their own, or remain in the shadows.

I like this.
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Just read this during my later morning catch-up and had to comment, even though I'm skipping a bunch of pages to do it.

Friend, I have no idea whether your info is good, bad, or indifferent. But if you would like for people to take you seriously, please try not to write every word like you're the world's saddest troll. I mean, it's so stereotypically troll that I'm half of the mind that this is actually blue font, in which case this is absolutely brilliant blue font.

In short, I don't know whether to laugh at you or applaud you, and this has left me feeling confused and conflicted. Someone help me out here! :)

We don’t think he’s a troll.
The stalking horse is not the deception of the idea itself, but the deception of who the idea is coming from.

Beav is stating he has been put out by the individual with the real power, to bring claims of Gruden to the masses to cause a reaction. What does this do? It puts pressure on those against the idea, because now the idea exists in the public. The idea Gruden is coming and nothing else will be accepted.

If the deal falls through, well, Beav takes the heat from the masses, but the powers that be do not.

If it goes through, the powers that be accomplished their task, and they can either choose to come out and claim the idea as their own, or remain in the shadows.

This is certainly plausible, too. Only time will tell.

[Beaver] is a figure that tests a concept [Gruden] with [the fan base and/or administration] and mounts a challenge against [Haslam] on behalf of an anonymous third party [Ergen]. If the idea proves viable or popular, then [Ergen] can then declare his interest and advance the concept with little risk of failure.
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I think Beav is the horse. The questions. What is the deception he is spinning? And, what is the real end game?

Is Gruden a deception and another coach the real target? Perhaps one that is currently coaching?
I don't think so because whoever they hired would be a huge let down for the fan base.
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Just read this during my later morning catch-up and had to comment, even though I'm skipping a bunch of pages to do it.

Friend, I have no idea whether your info is good, bad, or indifferent. But if you would like for people to take you seriously, please try not to write every word like you're the world's saddest troll. I mean, it's so stereotypically troll that I'm half of the mind that this is actually blue font, in which case this is absolutely brilliant blue font.

In short, I don't know whether to laugh at you or applaud you, and this has left me feeling confused and conflicted. Someone help me out here! :)

Read the Martinez quote a couple posts above yours. You’ll notice paragraph in there that matches what he said he got from his “source” almost exactly. He’s full of crap.
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I've read this thought a lot --that we want him to get another coaching job to reduce the buyout.

I have to say, I can't imagine another program wanting him, simply because of his coaching.

What, they're going to say "Hey, we're fine with shotgun at the six-inch line and time clock mismanagement and failure to develop players and micromanaging and endless cliches, but whoa, hold up there, he's a jerk"?

I mean, I guess so, but :unsure:

I understand that. I simply mean it’s in Ut’s interest for him to land a job.
Just putting this definition out there. Beave seems to say he is the horse since it is in his bio. Wondering if we still do not know the real intentions or if we did not know at first and do now?
Sometimes people come to conclusions that seem solid but when all is said and done it was not accurate. I wonder why this is in his bio only recently.
I just hope we didn't know at first but do now and there is nothing more to it.

Beaver has always had an agenda coming here and posting what he does. I don't think we know all of it and maybe never will, but I hope it gets us the end result we all want....gruden on the sidelines.

I think the term can have many meanings and implications, but I can see how Beaver considers himself one of his role was in part to come on here and gauge interest and reactions.
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There are posters that have said from the first thread that Gruden is not coming and if he doesnt come its fair they could boast some just as those who have said from the start will be coasting about they call it. No difference imo.

For me personally, I'm not going to wag my finger in any UT fan's face when Gruden is announced.

Now to the other school's fans I will be...

Please for the love of God and pure volnation entertainment, please let this happen tonight.


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the stalking horse is not the deception of the idea itself, but the deception of who the idea is coming from.

Beav is stating he has been put out by the individual with the real power, to bring claims of gruden to the masses to cause a reaction. What does this do? It puts pressure on those against the idea, because now the idea exists in the public. The idea gruden is coming and nothing else will be accepted.

If the deal falls through, well, beav takes the heat from the masses, but the powers that be do not.

If it goes through, the powers that be accomplished their task, and they can either choose to come out and claim the idea as their own, or remain in the shadows.

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