Official Jon Gruden Thread 33

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Hoke: On what went wrong this season: It's not fair to comment on what went wrong and what didn't. You guys can talk about and figure out.
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Could Gruden be the stalking horse?

The more I think about this, the more my head hurts.

IMO, for Gruden to be the horse, it would mean he's not our eventual coach.

I'm leaning more towards the agents and/or Ergen as the horse(s).
Because if you are tied to the AD in any way and like your job, you aren’t talking about it. It only damages Butch and his future opportunities which would have a negative impact financially on UT.

I've read this thought a lot --that we want him to get another coaching job to reduce the buyout.

I have to say, I can't imagine another program wanting him, simply because of his coaching.

What, they're going to say "Hey, we're fine with shotgun at the six-inch line and time clock mismanagement and failure to develop players and micromanaging and endless cliches, but whoa, hold up there, he's a jerk"?

I mean, I guess so, but :unsure:
The more I think about this, the more my head hurts.

IMO, for Gruden to be the horse, it would mean he's not our eventual coach.

I'm leaning more towards the agents and/or Ergen as the horse(s).

It sure would give ol' Beav an out if another coach is named, though. "I was just pushing Gruden out there to take your eyes off of the real target."
I don't think you will see the meltdown like last time. I think you will see an influx of holier-than-thou "I told you so" posters that will raise the blood pressure a bit.

However, at least for me, I think most of us understand that if he doesn't come it will be because he doesn't want to. It will not be because we didn't do everything we could. I think the meltdown will come IF there is a Google coach that steps to the podium after all the concessions we are willing to give Gruden.

There are posters that have said from the first thread that Gruden is not coming and if he doesnt come its fair they could boast some just as those who have said from the start will be coasting about they call it. No difference imo.
Hoke: On next year's recruiting class: They're going to work their tails off, continue to recruit. Hold onto next year's recruits that are committed.
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I know what it is, the point is figuring out who it is.

What's your point?

Just putting this definition out there. Beave seems to say he is the horse since it is in his bio. Wondering if we still do not know the real intentions or if we did not know at first and do now?
Sometimes people come to conclusions that seem solid but when all is said and done it was not accurate. I wonder why this is in his bio only recently.
I just hope we didn't know at first but do now and there is nothing more to it.
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Hoke: Had a great conversation with John Currie. That's about all he's willing to say about it. Re-re-re-re-iterated their focus on the seniors.
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Reporter: Vanderbilt, 10/25 is set to be a big OV weekend for recruiting, is that on hold with the current climate?

Hoke: We'll just see what happens.
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I can verify this. I know someone that worked with Butch Jones first hand and the stories about how terrible he treats people is shocking.

After he lands another job, the stories that will come out about his time here will make people cringe that they ever pulled for him.

I've never been a fan of Jones as a coach but I hate to hear this.
Just putting this definition out there. Beave seems to say he is the horse since it is in his bio. Wondering if we still do not know the real intentions or if we did not know at first and do now?
Sometimes people come to conclusions that seem solid but when all is said and done it was not accurate. I wonder why this is in his bio only recently.
I just hope we didn't know at first but do now and there is nothing more to it.

I think Beav is the horse. The questions. What is the deception he is spinning? And, what is the real end game?

Is Gruden a deception and another coach the real target? Perhaps one that is currently coaching?
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It sure would give ol' Beav an out if another coach is named, though. "I was just pushing Gruden out there to take your eyes off of the real target."

If that's the intention, then, yes, it would most certainly do that. Maybe Gruden hasn't been the white whale all along if we are to run down that rabbit hole.
I think two big forces of nature are going to pull (or have already pulled) Jon Gruden to Knoxville.

(1) Historic legacy. The club of head football coaches who have won both a college national championship and a super bowl is amazingly small. In his career field, that is the single biggest legacy prize out there for JG. And it's a massive one.

(2) Family. As you get older, you become ever more aware of the importance of family, of spending time with them while there is time. Friends, acquaintances and business associates are all wonderful, but the day your body goes into the ground, it's going to be 75% family there to witness. Key point: this tug tends to be stronger on women than men (dunno why, it just does), and so you can bet Cindy is exerting pressure on Jon to "get back home."

Like gravity (the weakest of the four forces of nature), these forces are relatively weak if you measure them at any instant in time. But they're constant, and over time will always pull you in.

Gruden to the Hill isn't just a hopeful phrase. It's accurate shorthand for tectonic forces in Jon Gruden's life.

The family part is an excellent point. Coaching is going to be a time drain regardless, not much family time.

But at least in college coaching there seems to be more community involvement and embracing of a coaches’ family. That can at least give the family a feeling of the coach being around more and spending more family time.

There won’t be any discussion of Jon’s family (outside of Deuce being S&C coach) if he goes to Tampa. Pro coaching probably creates more separation of two is what I’m trying to say.
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The family part is an excellent point. Coaching is going to be a time drain regardless, not much family time.

But at least in college coaching there seems to be more community involvement and embracing of a coaches’ family. That can at least give the family a feeling of the coach being around more and spending more family time.

There won’t be any discussion of Jon’s family (outside of Deuce being S&C coach) if he goes to Tampa. Pro coaching probably creates more separation of two is what I’m trying to say.

Remember, we're talking Cindy's family here. I'm sure Jon loves them all, too, but while he's out running around coaching and recruiting and holding clinics and camps, Cindy gets to be near her family.

Keep mama happy, and everyone gets to be happy.
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Reporter: Vanderbilt, 10/25 is set to be a big OV weekend for recruiting, is that on hold with the current climate?

Hoke: We'll just see what happens.

“Not my decision. I’m gonna be gone regardless. I’ll do it if Currie and the new guy tell me to.”
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If that's the intention, then, yes, it would most certainly do that. Maybe Gruden hasn't been the white whale all along if we are to run down that rabbit hole.

I am just going to hope it is Gruden, but not get those hopes to high. I know how last time went.

There are some other really good options out there...some we don't even know about.
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