This changes the national perception of Tennessee ways we can't really quantify yet.
Liken our facilities and program to a don't build the perfect racecar and hire a taxi driver to race it. You go and get a Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr. type of driver to race it. (Insert your own driver....I hate NASCAR.)
When that happens, an immediate sense of legitimacy is restored. You think ESPN hates us......wait. You cannot buy the type of publicity this will bring. Very few hires would bring the type of national prominence we're about to see....without playing a game.
This changes the national perception of Tennessee ways we can't really quantify yet.
Liken our facilities and program to a don't build the perfect racecar and hire a taxi driver to race it. You go and get a Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr. type of driver to race it. (Insert your own driver....I hate NASCAR.)
When that happens, an immediate sense of legitimacy is restored. You think ESPN hates us......wait. You cannot buy the type of publicity this will bring. Very few hires would bring the type of national prominence we're about to see....without playing a game.
I can see how a deal would be moving quickly at this point. I don't think we want to take the chance of a job like Texas opening.
I want to believe, I really do. But the past has left me jaded. With all the "done deals" of the past giving me flash backs. I hope you guys are spot on and I am still in here hanging on every word. So here is to good faith.
I want to believe, I really do. But the past has left me jaded. With all the "done deals" of the past giving me flash backs. I hope you guys are spot on and I am still in here hanging on every word. So here is to good faith.
Thats just my opinion, I think its going to happen, just a little surprised that there has been a formal offer made at this point. When you look at the rest of the landscape of college football and who is potentially looking for a coaching replacement, I guess it does make sense that they would move quickly.
Hart hasn't spoken to Gruden fellas. Hard to have a deal done if the AD hasn't even talked to the guy, is it not?
Now, the contact by a booster and supposed interest sounds about right, but there is a lot more involved, including the asst coaches just hired and given promises a few months ago.
Just sayin. Not my opinion either.
If they hire a firm then we can see the writing on the wall as far as Gruden is concerned. If what is being said on here is true, and I'm skeptical, then no firm is needed.If there is discussion going on, it's all back channel. I doubt Hart is hoppong on a plane to meet Gruden this week. That's how these things operate.
Just don't hire another firm for the coaching search.