"It was great to be back. My wife and I are here this weekend. My wife went to Tennessee and cheered at Tennessee while I was a GA and we got to re-unite with Coach Majors and have some dinner. We were just reminiscing and talking about what Tennessee is all about and just the great impact Coach Majors has had on me. It was great to meet some of the (Tennessee) players, just a great couple days."
Q: Do you ever see yourself coaching again?
A: "I love football, I'm guilty of that. So, yeah at some point will probably come back and coach if I get the right opportunity."
Q: How did today go?
A: "We studied for four or five hours this afternoon. Sal Sunseri and I coached together at Pitt, so I've known him a long time. We're just trying to get 'em back to where Tennessee football is supposed to be. And since I love Tennessee and my wife's from Tennessee it's a great opportunity whenever I can come back and if I can help hopefully I did. Just to be a part of it again was exciting."
Q: Do you see yourself as a pro coach at this point in your career?
A: "I coached high school this last year. I coached my son's high school offensive line this past year. I coach anybody.... Right now I don't put much thought into that. A coach can coach, whether it be high school, the pros, or college."
Q: You talked a little bit at the clinic about Coach Dooley's orange pants. What was your reaction to Coach Dooley's orange pants and are you ever going to wear any of those?
A: "I saw Coach Battle and Coach Majors wearing those. But those look like loudmouth gear, a little too flashy for me. If you love Tennessee you wear any kind of orange you want."