Folks, I'm not trying to discredit the OGs here. I buy that they have sources and are privy to things the average fan isn't. That being said, this deal is bigger than us, them, and likely most of their sources. Unless they're getting info from Hart, Gruden, or the Haslam camp - they're probably just as clueless in these final moments as the rest of us are.
This is the biggest move to hit the NCAA, maybe ever. If Saban to AL came as a shocker, what could this deal be? That was in 2007, before twitter blew up and social media, instant information, and online leaks were anywhere near the obvious risks they are now.
If someone who truly knows what's going on tells ANYONE, you can bet it will replicate and get out there faster than an STD during pledge week. That's why nothing, really, at this point can be trusted - especially when folks won't cite exactly what they hear or who they're hearing it from.
I'd bet fewer than 10 people truly know what's fully going on in this situation. The rest of us can, and are, just speculating. We can only take the facts (or the things that appear closest to facts) and deduce what we can from there. That being said, others and myself have painted a very believable narrative of what could be playing out right now over the last two days. And most of what I've read and buy into doesn't come from folks with inside sources - just good old fashioned rationality.
Everyone so worked up over this should do themselves a favor and look those posts up. I'm more confident than ever that Gruden is the guy. And in no way by me saying that last sentence should you be - instead, read the most likely facts and what a few of us have posted. Connect the dots, and it should hopefully ease your mind.