After the huge letdown of Friday I took a little hiatus from my obsession with Gruden and went back to the land of the living...didn't really realize it is December already, had to start some shopping...oh well...I had a moment of should not bother anyone that I still have hopes for Gruden...if I want to believe, even based on no concrete evidence, I can and I do. I will take this ride a little slower than the first. There is absolutely nothing telling me Gruden is coming other than my decision that we either the most f'ed up AD and media persons or something is not right in all of this. I decided that I do not believe that Gruden would allow us, TN and fans, to believe his agent would go to such extreme verbage in denying us if not for a reason. I will probably be terrribly heartbroken but thats what happens when you go all in and's called life. I would rather hope for what I want than give up and except all of the options being torpedoed in now, which according to news accounts, we have or will interview damn near every coach alive. I will support any coach that comes in here, but for now I will be watching MNF dreaming of Gruden on the sidelines. When and if it doesn't happen, I at least wasn't lead blindly into a land of no hope...I stayed my course and dreamed big.