Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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Maybe I'm not helping. I just had a vision of Gruden sitting up at home in bed with a laptop and surfing the web to check out the Vol fanbase, reading some of my comments and turning to his wife and going "honey do you think I have a bowl cut?"

Yes the bowl haircut comments probably blew the deal.:) Gruden to the hill!!
He has the standard, but my grandmother had a very old J45 that I played a lot when I was younger. I just like a rich sound and I haven’t heard a J 45 I like. I had a Larivee d03 that was the best I ever played, my son “stole it“ to take on the road. Then I found a fender dreadnought that I love, and still have it.

you know I myself have heard quite a few of those dreadnoughts that I love, not all but there's been a handful over the years I wished I would've grabbed
naw i was just joshin. no guns for me i guess. I'm still Revere and I still say Gruden is coming. I heard this form trusted sources. but things have changed rapidly in the last couple of days. I hope this change doesn't affect the Gruden deal in a negative way.

Currie was a dingleberry for sure, but he was backpedaling. I just want to see Gruden.

Bowl Cut to the Hill!!!!!

That’s weird. We were all so sure you were a double secret insider. Well geez, if it came from ‘form trusted insiders’ I’ve got no choice but to go with it.
naw i was just joshin. no guns for me i guess. I'm still Revere and I still say Gruden is coming. I heard this form trusted sources. but things have changed rapidly in the last couple of days. I hope this change doesn't affect the Gruden deal in a negative way.

Currie was a dingleberry for sure, but he was backpedaling. I just want to see Gruden.

Bowl Cut to the Hill!!!!!
Looks like i dont have to charge a new rifle to the ole credit card. But i hope your right on Gruden. Otherwise you will be the turd muffler
naw i was just joshin. no guns for me i guess. I'm still Revere and I still say Gruden is coming. I heard this form trusted sources. but things have changed rapidly in the last couple of days. I hope this change doesn't affect the Gruden deal in a negative way.

Currie was a dingleberry for sure, but he was backpedaling. I just want to see Gruden.

Bowl Cut to the Hill!!!!!

Man, I'm telling you....I was rooting for you...not just because of Gruden...because you sir are and entertainer
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Let me guess, tourist?

I had one ask me what time the park rangers let the bears out in the park.

Lol! That is funny. I would guess he was a tourist. I was too far back to find out for sure. The buck was laying down in a field and this dummy just kept creeping closer and closer. I think people expect our critters to be tame or something.

The best thing I saw though was a coyote mousing his brains out. He would spring about three feet in the air and pounce on them. We watched him work for a long time.
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Let me guess, tourist?

I had one ask me what time the park rangers let the bears out in the park.

LOL, funny. Kinda like the folks around here that wonder why they put the deer crossing signs on a busy stretch of road. Can't they just get them to cross where there is less traffic ?
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Get a load of this.

My aunt (hate to admit she is blood but she is) married this guy named Stoney. His brothers name was Rockey. Haha setuously.

Anyway, Stoney was driving home and hit a doe with his car. It was an old Cadillac and built like a tank. Didn't hurt the car but it killed the doe, he thought it did anyway.

So not one to waste good venison, Stoney drags this doe and puts her in the back seat of his Caddy. He can't put her in the trunk because it's full of firewood.

Starts driving down the road and hears a noise from the back seat. Looks in his rear view mirror and this doe is staring back at him.

So he pulls over and tries to figure out what do do about it. He does know she has a broken leg so he decides that the best course of action is to put her out of her misery.

He doesn't have a gun but he does have some firewood in the trunk. He figures he can bonk her in the head, knock her out and then pull her out and finish the job with his pocket knife. That way he won't get blood all in his car.

Sounded good in theory but poor execution did him in.

Gets his firewood and tries to bonk her in the head. She keeps ducking and he keeps missing. He then decides to get back there with her and hold her down and do it.

That was his biggest mistake of the day.

That doe beat the ever living hell out of him.

He had a black eye, bloody nose, busted lip, and assorted scrapes and bruises.

I will give him props, he did finish the job but it was more in self defense than anything.

He pulls into my grandmother's house and gets out looking like he just went through a crypts initiation.

When he told me and showed me the doe, I laughed for 10 minutes straight.

Top 3 funniest thing I ever heard of.
I laughed til I cried over this. Thank you! I needed a good laugh! :)
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Thanks for the clarification, I should have stated that better in my post. Gruden yes = Totally Satisified, or Gruden no = closure. Then we can look at our options.

I've read enough of your post to know how you feel I was just having fun with it. Lot's of people say they want them to make him so no, and I get what there saying. I guess I had seen that phrase so much I had to say it! I think that is my new phrase, MAKE HIM SAY YES. :lolabove::rock:SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get Gruden to the HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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