Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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He works at UT, but from home. Which is in Malibu. Duh.
naw i was just joshin. no guns for me i guess. I'm still Revere and I still say Gruden is coming. I heard this form trusted sources. but things have changed rapidly in the last couple of days. I hope this change doesn't affect the Gruden deal in a negative way.

Currie was a dingleberry for sure, but he was backpedaling. I just want to see Gruden.

Bowl Cut to the Hill!!!!!
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the j-45 true vintage or standard?

completely different materials/hardware and sound

He has the standard, but my grandmother had a very old J45 that I played a lot when I was younger. I just like a rich sound and I haven’t heard a J 45 I like. I had a Larivee d03 that was the best I ever played, my son “stole it“ to take on the road. Then I found a fender dreadnought that I love, and still have it.
Talking guns and guitars.....years ago I attempted to write a song called Guns, Guitars & Motorcycles. Never got pas the 2nd verse.

I've never written a song, but I did have a cocktail featured in Cosmopolitan magazine. That was a fun night behind the bar trying dozens of different cocktail recipes.

Shoot they love em some Ohio St, but after they put them in last year and they stunk it up it will be interesting. I think Bama would whip Ohio St and I think if you polled the country they would agree. But don't be shocked if they go with the conference champ, plus it being Ohio St it will not surprise me.:rock:
Maybe I'm not helping. I just had a vision of Gruden sitting up at home in bed with a laptop and surfing the web to check out the Vol fanbase, reading some of my comments and turning to his wife and going "honey do you think I have a bowl cut?"
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Yahama acoustic guitars are also great if you’re looking for a good guitar for an affordable price.

Catching up so I’m behind in the thread. Just wanted to comment that my husband has a Yamaha he really likes and I have a concert Alvarez I love the size and sound of. Just my
Two cents. Both were very affordable.
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Plus, they didn't put a 2 loss PSU in last year. We're going to have some angry people calling BS if they do it with OSU.

The thing for me is, I would NOT put it past them. I do not believe they will but I also would not be totally surprised. I'm sure the media trying to sell them in begins right now.
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