Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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Any chance you can tell the person who leaked ther schiano news thank you for all of us?

Passed along a thank you last night. Obviously it was not acknowledged and I don’t how long or if it ever will be. Which is fine it one of those we know that they know that we know kind if things. You can’t imagine the stunned relief that has been in the AD since yesterday. Today some of the shock and emotional elation is wearing off and we have a lot of happy people.
No one needs to thank me for anything. everyone that gave a damn about TN showed up and did what volunteers do.
One of the most surprising things to me, was after groups of us threatened to freeze funding to stop Schiano, is that everyone went right back to he same thing to get John. I made a comment that we had to be careful with playing that card again and I thought it would be much harder to use it again. However so many even up to the super boosters said damn the torpedos ramming speed.
I know for absolute certainty that Bev was in a state of shock she had no idea of what passion our fans have for UT. I think she has learned a powerful lesson.
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Go golf‏ @VolsScotchGolf
4m4 minutes ago

For the first time in a long time we have an Orange Blooded General leading the charge for Tennessee. Coach Fulmer is very busy assessing and assembling our future coaching staff. EVERY qualified coach is on the table and #Volnation should have full confidence in the process now.

Qualified = Gruden, Petersen, Shaw:rock:
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there are certainly numerous to Thank not just one in particular and while AV did not mention or allude to anyone he contacted, he also knew Sunday as it was about to all go down.

Atlanta VOL said:
even sadder part is I found out about it from one of Urbans very close associates literally as it was going down Sunday afternoon with a text “did you know you are closing in on Schiano? Your crew is up here now are you aware?”
Ill elaborate more once I have time to put the rest of the puzzle together and the timing around it but rest assured this guy was never even on most of our radar until the very last second....which is clearly what Currie wanted.
I am headed to knoxville now...then off to an another location to discuss what measures will help force change. We must demand accountability....pure and simple.
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MITs goal, first and foremost, was regime change, not necessarily a specific coach.

Come on man. Think a little. Gruden aside, MIT knew nothing more than any of us. The second it looked like the Gruden thing wasn’t working he started the “ I was just pushing a positive agenda”. I hope Gruden comes, but all that aside MIT knows as much about a coach as I do walking on the moon.
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i know it ain't happening, but indulge me for a moment.

what if Jon has people that have been keeping tabs on this thread, and has a list of his own? what if there was an invitation only meet and greet. I ain't special, but I think I'd get an invite.

That would be cool. Hey Jon!
I’ll eat plenty of crow when he lands on campus. Just hope it goes both ways. I have been ignored by many for asking legitimate questions about Gruden interest.

ET right now everyone is happy bout Phil to AD and if JG will talk to him since Currie messed his bed.
ever notice how MITBeaver pops in outta nowhere, responds to a comment, people ask him 10 questions about the coaching search, and he never responds? well, maybe not never, but seldom.

Sometimes I like to relax. Yes Gruden is still in play and is obviously being contacted by Fulmer.
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Is there anyway he was a spy? The stinch is pretty strong. I need help with this one.

Yeah.... I'm kinda with you there.

It looks one whole HELLUVA lot PM has thrown in with the Haslams.....

I have a hard time believing that he'd be willing to throw away ALL of the goodwill he's built up with the Vol fanbase just for money.....

But stranger things have happened in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
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