Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVII

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i know it ain't happening, but indulge me for a moment.

what if Jon has people that have been keeping tabs on this thread, and has a list of his own? what if there was an invitation only meet and greet. I ain't special, but I think I'd get an invite.

Geez, I may not then; don't post alot. Hoping they could get a list from Freak or that someone might vouch for me.
You never know with beaver, but I read it in a more positive light. That every coach (including the Grude) is now on the table. With Haslam, Grude was gone.

i guess you could be right.

edit: you were right. i was wrong. glad for it too.
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Conspiracy Theory:

So either there is genuine interest by Gruden in the UT job or it was a clever ploy by a group of Boosters to force Haslam out.

What if several Boosters pushed the Gruden narrative to create outrage no matter what coach was hired in an attempt to force Haslam out of power?

It just so happened that Haslam picked the worst candidate of all time in Schiano which worked out perfectly for this coup.

Were the Grudenites trolled by the most elaborate scheme since Putin fixed the election in favor of Trump?

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Just remember cornered men are dangerous men, especially ones with money and political ties.

Yes and he is the main reason no top tier coach has been here in 10 years.

Coaching is a tight knit community. They know where the problems are at the schools. UT has had Haslam-controlled ADs, ever since he co-opted Hamilton.

Fulmer lived through it and knows what the HC need to succeed. We are in a very good place right now and I am at peace.
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Come on man. Think a little. Gruden aside, MIT knew nothing more than any of us. The second it looked like the Gruden thing wasn’t working he started the “ I was just pushing a positive agenda”. I hope Gruden comes, but all that aside MIT knows as much about a coach as I do walking on the moon.

You've already said "no joking and trolling aside" then the very next sentence called this a "silly thtead". No hurt feelings here, but it confirms you're just FOS. I suggest you go sit down before you get hurt.
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Conspiracy Theory:

So either there is genuine interest by Gruden in the UT job or it was a clever ploy by a group of Boosters to force Haslam out.

What if several Boosters pushed the Gruden narrative to create outrage no matter what coach was hired in an attempt to force Haslam out of power?

It just so happened that Haslam picked the worst candidate of all time in Schiano which worked out perfectly for this coup.

Were the Grudenites trolled by the most elaborate scheme since Putin fixed the election in favor of Trump?


I'm all out of thoughts sorry.

Have plenty of burbon tho :)
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Off topic, anybody with a Samsung S8+? After the system update 2 weeks ago my bluetooth won't turn on. Anybody having this issue?
Last edited: the GOAT a casualty of war?

Is there anyway he was a spy? The stinch is pretty strong. I need help with this one.

I'm glad you asked that. I have discussed my beliefs on this previously, and will do my best to elaborate further. First off, consider what happened barely more than 24 hours ago. The appointment of Fulmer tells us a lot more than just the program is in good hands. Peyton knows he is Tennessee's favorite son. He also knows, if anyone can stick their neck out and "take one for the team," all to set in motion the eventual outcome (e.g. yesterday and forward), he would be the perfect person to do it. IDGAS what the talking heads have said, the lines drawn between the above dots have convinced me that Peyton did what had to be done to put UT on the path back to greatness. TIFWIW.

As far as him needing Haslam, that s*** makes me sleepy. He doesn't need Haslam to gain access to an NFL front office or for political power. Peyton has enough clout and funds to secure any office he desired, and he'd get more than enough support from us to assist in funding any campaigns.

The House of Cards fell yesterday!
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I’ll eat plenty of crow when he lands on campus. Just hope it goes both ways. I have been ignored by many for asking legitimate questions about Gruden interest.

No, you get ignored when you enter a thread and are a prick. We respect difference of opinions and welcome discussions, but when you start off insulting folks and bashing a thread that YOU chose to enter, you should expect the same treatment. Maybe consider using a little more tact next time, or not, choice is yours, but expect to be treated with the same lack of respect that you show others.
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His job was to push us to do what we did. That's all. Haslams out of power.

Some people are having a hard time grasping that. Ultimate goal was to return UT to prominence. Gruden is a huge step in that direction but so is removing the Haslams death grip on our program. Haslams have been pushed aside and now we can freely focus on the other objective.
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Conspiracy Theory:

So either there is genuine interest by Gruden in the UT job or it was a clever ploy by a group of Boosters to force Haslam out.

What if several Boosters pushed the Gruden narrative to create outrage no matter what coach was hired in an attempt to force Haslam out of power?

It just so happened that Haslam picked the worst candidate of all time in Schiano which worked out perfectly for this coup.

Were the Grudenites trolled by the most elaborate scheme since Putin fixed the election in favor of Trump?


I believe it is much simpler. Incompetence in the AD and Gruden never really being in play. I just hope we end up with a top tier coach in the end.
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