Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Can someone please explain the love affair with Strong? Please don't just say recruiting because Kiff was a monster at recruiting and Dooley was pretty good as well. Not great by any stretch of the imagination but pretty good.
We ain't gettin Gruden.

See comment about my school

I hope we do not get Strong either.... I do not think he is the coach everyone thinks he is.......

He was pretty good when he was at UF with CUM, but hasn't done much since then...

I would honestly say that I have basically spent my last dollar on UT if go the CDD route again and make a hire like Strong...:hi:
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guys operation dragnet is still in effect. All of this strong talk is just another phase of the operation. Im still all in for the gru! It's gonna happen. Makes too much sense not to.

Yes !
Everyone get on the gruuuuvy Train .The deal is done . Crack open a Pabst Gru Ribbon , put on some Motley Gru and remember the gruuden Rule - Do unto others !!!

Sticky bananas, anyone?
Missed this earlier.
Since I would love to have either, I'm going to say no chance at all.

UT hates me!!!!!!

I may be suffering from battered fan syndrome.

Slice. I've asked this question several times and you haven't responded. I don't know if you want to (and that's ok) or you haven't seen it, but do you know if the earmarked money has been returned or is it still in a third parties hand? If you don't want to or can't answer that's fine just give me heads up and I'll quit asking. TIA
Seriously do not believe Strong is ready for a SEC HC job yet. At least at TN, which IMO should be the elite of the elite.

We could do better with a few of the other candidates. Not that Strong is a bad COACH, just not ready for HEAD coach IMO.
If I'm too believe that Dave Hart's press conference, hiring Charlie Strong really doesn't jive with what he says. Perhaps he's been a coach and likes the challenge of the SEC but is he really his first choice.....I really don't think so......
What has my life become when I am looking for a sign from Gruden interviewing RG3? I still won't give up! Go get Gruden!
If gruden wanted an nfl job , why wouldn't he have taken one by now? There has been quite a few hires since he was fired from Tampa. He's proven he can win in the nfl. He's also been fired not long after winning that Super Bowl. In the nfl he had to rely on highly paid athletes that may not have the same determination that they had as college players or after they get the big money. (Chris Johnson). Coaches are also replaced often in the nfl.
So , if his wife is all tennesse ,(if youre married ,everyone knows who really decides whats best for the family)he supposedly loves it here. Why not come back home. To keep your job in college all you have to do is win. He then possibly has a job as long as he wants it. A chance to coach hungry young guys who want to prove themselves. Momma is happy to be back home. And all of VN rejoices.
Can someone please explain the love affair with Strong? Please don't just say recruiting because Kiff was a monster at recruiting and Dooley was pretty good as well. Not great by any stretch of the imagination but pretty good.

I wouldn't say recruiting...

This is in conference from Scout:

32. Rutgers
37. Pittsburgh
t57. Connecticut
62. Cincinnati
65. Louisville
76. Syracuse
80. Temple
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