Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Dont blAme THEM.. BUT don't think they game time line of the 30th..hope they're back soon

No they didnt set that timeline...that was the popular opinion that came to be garnered as fact by hopefuls wishing to steal the thunder from SECCG.

But they caught the hell for it...
Gruden doesnt sound as excited and into it as he usually does.hes usually talks a lot more than Tarieco (sp) but i dont watch a lot of NFL either
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I would believe they are lurking. Probably just my hope overtaking my reality, but I just really believe the order was put out to cease and desist, so as not to ruin the timeline by all the chatter.

Who knows. I do know I'm driving myself bat$#£t crazy trying to figure it out.
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You may be right. I am sure you have a better understanding of the situation than I. It appears to me we are always settling for second tier coaches. Not sure I understand why. We have some of the best facilities, a monster stadium, dedicated and passionate fan base, and it happens to be right square in the middle of God's country. It just doesn't seem to add up to me. What am I missing here?

DD was clearly a second or third tier candidate. None of these three left are second tier IMO. Sure we can all name bigger hires but I just don't think they are realistic and history proves that. If we get past these three and fedora then we are into the second tier at that point IMO. Tennessee football will be strong again and If any of these three are hired its coming soon!!!
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No they didnt set that timeline...that was the popular opinion that came to be garnered as fact by hopefuls wishing to steal the thunder from SECCG.

But they caught the hell for it...

^True Raging! i think someone, not an OG, speculated that it would be a good time to upstage the SECCG. And posters just ran with it and it became "THE DATE"?????

I would believe they are lurking. Probably just my hope overtaking my reality, but I just really believe the order was put out to cease and desist, so as not to ruin the timeline by all the chatter.

Who knows. I do know I'm driving myself bat$#£t crazy trying to figure it out.

You're thinking too deep, man.

It is what it is. And Grubaker needs to be our coach. Period.
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No. They are just layin low. This place wasn't fun anymore after Gene Hackman, I mean, Bob LaMonte dropped a nuclear warhead on everyone.

you are definetly right on that one Lamonte dropped the bomb and things went crazy in here They did say they would let us know if anything had changed i think that there absence means nothing has changed and that this thing is still done as they have said.
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