Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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I still want Gruden but of the unimaginative names being put out if those are the Choices I honestly think Fulmer would be better, I got to believe he'd still out recruit strong.
Watch Hubbs closely now... Rucker has laid down some info, how will Hubbs (AD) respond?

I wouldn't be shocked if Rucker made an assumption about mora when hubbs poster a few hours ago an unknown interview was taking place tonight. Hubbs said they were trying to find out who it was and Rucker may have pounced on the opportunity. Regardless It's fun to see them all try to out scoop each other
But wait, I could've sworn Rucker, Hyams, and the lot promised us it was Fisher, Fedora, and Golden....

Now it's Strong, Mora, and Gundy....

Reminds me of a scene from Chasing Amy...

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I am soooo tired of hearing about the Knoxville Sport's Media's supposed sources!!!

These guys have no shame and are FOS.

Their collective source is:

"a person close to the situation within the Athletic Department who does not have the authority to speak for the Athletic Department who has requested to remain anonymous".

When the first one identifies the above person as their source, the others piggy back on whoever got the "scoop".

Totally worthless!!!!
I wouldn't be shocked if Rucker made an assumption about mora when hubbs poster a few hours ago an unknown interview was taking place tonight. Hubbs said they were trying to find out who it was and Rucker may have pounced on the opportunity. Regardless It's fun to see them all try to out scoop each other

If its Gruden I will vote for his brother and seek out Pilot stations for life...I will lay palm leaves In Jimmy's path..........I'd say I'd get a DISH too but. We got EPB....
Guys....I've always believed it Gruden but I'm starting to flatline.......

Don't give up hope.. took many facts point to said Gruden contacted staff members about joining him 18 million transfer of money..hart is a man he fxxxxxx up everyones reality he is really good at what he does...gruden will be the next coach at tn...remember bama game he is only one that can change the flow of power for us in sec..if u had the money would not let him say no...wake up Grudens
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The perception: Tennessee's facilities are on par with the best in the SEC. Even when the new Football Training Center is completed, that won't be the case, Hart said. "We've got a long way to go, and we've got a lot of priorities that have to be put in motion."

Where will the money come from to correct this???

Does anyone think he really wants to butt heads and piss off the big $$$$$$$.00?
Except for a brief visit from Lex earlier this afternoon and Gman most of the day, the other OGs have been VERY quiet today. They are usually on here on weekdays...I just find that interesting...hopefully in a good way.
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