Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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I am soooo tired of hearing about the Knoxville Sport's Media's supposed sources!!!

These guys have no shame and are FOS.

Their collective source is:

"a person close to the situation within the Athletic Department who does not have the authority to speak for the Athletic Department who has requested to remain anonymous".

When the first one identifies the above person as their source, the others piggy back on whoever got the "scoop".

Totally worthless!!!!

Yet another reason the Gruden would be awesome. The Chattanooga reporter could issue a big "F'ck you!" to the Knoxville media. Sweet!

soon, pandemonium will rein

Vol-T phone home!
I believe we have done all we can do at this point. I believe we were willing to pay your kind money to gruden but he said no. I also believe te other names we all have heard declined interest and the three we are left with( strong, Gundy, and mora) are all very quality names. I am not a big fan of Gundy but if we get any of the three Dave hart has done a very good job IMO.

You may be right. I am sure you have a better understanding of the situation than I. It appears to me we are always settling for second tier coaches. Not sure I understand why. We have some of the best facilities, a monster stadium, dedicated and passionate fan base, and it happens to be right square in the middle of God's country. It just doesn't seem to add up to me. What am I missing here?
Except for a brief visit from Lex earlier this afternoon and Gman most of the day, the other OGs have been VERY quiet today. They are usually on here on weekdays...I just find that interesting...hopefully in a good way.

Info has dried up. I believe Liper is legit and he has said several times that he can't find out anything.
Been out for several hours... what is this about announcements and non-Gruden pressers? Someone care to fill me in?
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