Official Jon Gruden Thread XVI

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i wanted gruden too but i was a realist, and i got flamed for it. my turn to do some flaming.
Seriously. Everyone hated and told us to "pipe down" for actually suggesting the whole Gruden thing would never happen.

Here's my issue...I don't have a problem with them sharing information. In fact, given the posters who made these comments, I think there was definitely something going on. The part that annoys is all the talk of "100% happening," CONFIRMED, the freaking !!!!!!!!, and all the "soon" talk. It was just ridiculous.

News flash: Nothing is 100% until it actually happens.
and i didnt say i had inside sources saying strong was coming, nor did i try to make people think strong was 100% coming. and they didn't go out on a limb for anything, other than to prove how little they really knew. and yes i'll support whoever our coach is, i won't get mad and say i'm becoming a TAM fan.

Then quit harrassin' the OG's, let it go and start supportin' the UT's :)
I was holding out hope until the press conference, but after seeing this picture I realized we're screwed.


The two adults on the right are the assassins of UT football. I will forever despise them with ever fiber of my being for what they have done to the University I love.
That's Haslam's plane. If this were a sneak attack and the boosters were pissed I doubt they'd be using that.
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Classy is the only way to be right now..The OG's had absolutely no control over the final outcome and should not be blamed or flamed because of it.:no:
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One question. Was Jon Gruden in play?

In play? Yes. To some- Fiscally responsible, hghly possible? Probably not.

Again, some are more committed than others.... The difference in ideals being between this Board and those who support the University. I'm afraid some tough conversations will be had in the coming days.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! This is absolutely hilarious. JayVols, you're a coattail hanger with no information that is a moron. Boro, you're a phony that was arrogant and obviously FOS the whole time. OldVol75, you were a walkon that never saw the field that has no inside information. Bcarter you were a coattail hanger like Jay with no info. Orangeslice, you offered crap information. Smokeyhuntsgators, coastypop, gramps, Volmaster14, patty, and volatil you were a bunch of gullible Jim Jones, kool-aid drinking, egg-sucking fools. I'm laughing so hard at all of you that called me a moron for trying to help you guys from experiencing this meltdown. Lets go Coach Jones! Uh, I mean Gruden....Soon?

Keeping it classy.
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Maybe boosters will show up with armed security to escort Hart and Cheek out of pc and Gruden shows up and tells Butch he can be field goal holder coach.
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