#1, I understand your points. We don't disagree on his skills.
I'm not taking it seriously. Its a topic. Clay Travis already has a story on his site. Comments under other stories are crude and racist. People on facebook are going off. Others are saying he embarrassed them, or their team, or whatever.
I'm simply discussing the facets of the story. From those that don't care, to racist white people who say "here they go again", to a dad that tells his son that he should never act like that, no matter if you have made it or not.
Just topics man. We talking about topics. Only problem I have had is with the dude calling me racist and a problem over and over for asking questions or bringing up various viewpoints. I didn't like that.
Maybe saying he embarrassed his race was a stretch. But its not a stretch to say he embarrassed many people of his own race. Doesn't take long to hear or read about it. I was jumped on for that, yet its 100% accurate.