So, came across a story from June 2014.
A 14 year old victim(Noel Estevez) in New York stabbed to death his 14 year old bully(Timothy Crump) in self-defense. Basically, the bully and the victim used to be friends until the Crump broke someone's jaw in the street, stole their iphone and asked Estevez to hold the phone for him. Estevez's mom phone found the iphone and knowing it was stolen and it could be traced, she smashed the phone. After that, the friendship deteriorated and Crump along with his friends started harassing Estevez everyday. They'd make homophobic comments towards him(prob cause he wore a scarf in his one photo) and laughed at him about his mom being a crackhead that got arrested(shortly after the iphone incident). The neighbors said the overheard the bullies saying they're gonna be outside Estevez's door every single day waiting for him. And that's what they did, every single day. They'd piss on the door to Estevez's apartment and punch holes in the hallway walls while Estevez cowered in his closet.
To make matters worse, Estevez had tried hanging himself with his belt(his brother committed suicide by overdosing in 2013) and his dad caught him. The dad went to the principal the next day and the principal's response was "the school year is almost over, let it go. not much i can do about it".
So, the last day of school, Crump followed Estevez to jump him, kneeing and punching Estevez in the head. Estevez pulled out a knife that he started carrying around and using to answer the door(because he feared for his life from the bullies threatening to kill him everyday), stabbed Crump 4 or 5 times. Estevez said he kept stabbed that many times because Crump was still throwing punches before he eventually collapsed from bleeding. Most of the kids at the school were even saying Crump bullied Estavez daily but yet Estavez 14, was charged with murder, as an adult.
Now what's funny is, you flip it over to Crump's(the bully) neighborhood and they're saying Estavez(the victim) was the bully. They said he was always trying to be the center of attention, claiming he ran the block. Crump's mom's thoughts on her son... "he a good boy. he never bully nobody". As for the comment sections below the articles, sadly it's not hard to figure out which race is which. You have people claiming "Crump was the victim but of course everyone is gonna side with the white boy". Odd, because hispanic is not white. Also, those same people are saying things like, "Estavez's mom's testimony isn't credible because she's a junkie". Funny, because Crump's mom did prison time for mansalughter. Guessing her view of her son isn't distorted at all either. Also, the irony of calling out Estevez's mom while nobody mentioned Crump's mom, even one of Crump's teachers said he's probably the worst kid they've ever encountered. Is the teacher some racist crackhead too? Idk. Crump's mom and neighborhood probably think so.
As for the principal who did nothing... sadly, she's still being paid $160,000 a year to tell the parents of bullied students on the verge of suicide that there's nothing she can do about fellow students threatening the life of another student. A day later after doing nothing about it, it cost a kid his life here on earth and another kid his freedom here on earth. Most pathetic thing of all, she not only still has her job and overpaid salary, she started a gofund me page 1 month ago asking for donations to put her 6 children through college. Already has about 4,000 in donations. Unreal.
Two things about this story... one, I think Estevez should be free to go. Juvie til 18 would be punishment enough if you insist on locking up a 14 year old for defending himself after the school did nothing to protect him. Two, I think the principal should be fired and also think it's pathetic that a parent making 160,000 a year has to ask for handouts to put her 6 children through college. It's bad enough if she did her job correctly and asked for handouts with that kind of salary. But the fact that she's terrible at her job and was responsible for doing absolutely nothing in preventing bullying/death. Pathetic... the bully kid who died was living in a shelter and the kid who stabbed him has a crackhead mom in jail but the $160,000 salary principal needs donations to support her family and get by. If I hadn't found her gofundme page, I wasn't going to bring this story up, but her being both truly pathetic at doing her job and also asking for handouts, I can't. She should be shammed out of her job, not receiving donations.