Official South Park Fanclub Thread

I dunno. they've done this before where they make it look like a two parter and then the next episode doesn't follow up but just moves on to whatever they want to do next

I have a really odd yet strong feeling that is how this is going to be. It seemed in the end more a fan service / celebration episode than anything plot relevant. I'm not counting on them to follow up on it; there's too much more for them to answer/explain and make part of character histories than they'd want to

all i can say is i have seen every episode and this was just disappointing to me. the ending especially. i understand difficulty in trying to tie 200 episodes together and form some sort of a plot, but the way it ended just soured it for me. it was if they just ran out of time. not necessarily that it was edge of your seat with garrison and cartman at the end, but it just ended abruptly. what was the point of leading up to the end if you are not going to have some sort of closure to at least one aspect of the many in the entire episode. maybe i am just in the minority, but i was left feeling that they could have done such a better job with this one.

i would have been happy with another really good randy episode, but thats just me. gotta love the randy episodes.
they need to eventually work in darth chef somehow. i've been hoping for him to return at some point, but they never have worked him in.


.......way, way overdue
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they need to eventually work in darth chef somehow. i've been hoping for him to return at some point, but they never have worked him in.


.......way, way overdue

Probably cause Isaac Hayes (voice of chef) died in real life.

I dont think they were going to anyways. They had a pretty bad falling out with Isaac Hayes after the Scientology thing, and I always felt that they felt hurt by it (not in the :cray: way but more the :furious3::finger3: you way)

I think Chef (and Dark Chef) at that were supposed to be a send off (partially for the fan's benefit of understanding why the character is no longer there) in a way that they intended to be a "we're done with him" kinda thing; they moved on and don't really care or want to use him for anything in the future is the impression I've always gotten
I will force myself to watch it the next time it comes on. Gotta give it a chance at least.
I still really think that the whole Darth Chef episode was really their way of saying "we're done with the character" after the hayes fallout

I do realize that this one is the popular rumor since everybody wants to see some appearance of chef again
just saw the preview for the next episode and the 200th is in fact a two parter. saw now i don't feel so angry at the ending of the last one.
my only thing is that, unlike usually when they advertise before wed, they havent shown any actual new scenes from the upcoming episode, just last week's scenes

this being like a celebration of their pasts to them, I can more and more see this one as an "off" episode (like they so infamously did with the Cartman's dad ones in their first season) where this either doesnt follow up or is terrance and phillip or something
i'll be the first to admit i was wrong; this really had seemed like it would be another like the cartman's mom one in season one that got followed up by a terrance n phillip episode
I dunno, I found it all pretty funny
It had some laughs, but every plot lead they set up in the first episode was a disaster in this one, at least in my opinion. I wasn't expecting brilliant plot twists, but one of my favorite South Park moments was ruined... (and not that it matters, but the Scott Tenorman episode was after the one with Cartman's parents.)

Of course, it's just my opinion.
the very end with the whale and tom cruise on the moon was great. did not see that reference coming.
i missed it tonight. i was going to catch it at 11/12 EST but apparantly they've decided to show a re-run instead.....
the very end with the whale and tom cruise on the moon was great. did not see that reference coming.

Same here; I loved that joke the first time they did it and it was absolutely great here

especially since I think most people thought they were suggesting he would either end up in Imaginationland or Hell
i missed it tonight. i was going to catch it at 11/12 EST but apparantly they've decided to show a re-run instead.....

yeah i was curious about why that happened; the tvguide still said 201

I'm curious if something happened like Cruise with the Scientology episode when it came out that made Comedy Central change from a re-airing....but it seems to quickly for that to have actually happened

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