It really irks me that you relate me with Michael Moore, y'know. He didn't even have the sense to mention NORAD standing down in his film.
I honestly do not believe y'all are understanding the importance of the the information that's available on 9/11. You should be outraged and ready to see heads roll when reviewing the important unanswered questions which have been ignored for 5+ years. For those who would doubt the depths to which privilege power might go to get its way, let me echo this again and just point out that it is now a documented fact that the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed the staging of a terrorist attack within the US that would murder U.S. citizens, in order to provide a pretext for an invasion of Cuba in the early decades of the Cold War (OPERATION NORTHWOODS). Do not ever under-estimate what the Dick Cheney's and Karl Rove's and Goldman Sach's of the world might be willing to do to further their profits. Also do not underestimate the power of blind mis-placed loyalty within the military, doing its "duty" to the President while overlooking its more sacred duty to the Constitution.
The point is that there a vital issues about which we Americans ought to be crying loudly to be examined by some subsequent commission of inquiry that will not simply gloss over or totally ignore discrepancies, inconsistencies in testimony, and unexamined facts.
The 9/11 Commission report contains a disclaimer box on page 146, in which it is stated that the report’s account of what happened on 9/11 was in considerable measure based on what those key witnesses allegedly told interrogators, and that the commissioners were not allowed to meet the witnesses or their interrogators.
"We submitted questions for use in the interrogations, but had no control over whether, when or how questions of particular interest would be asked. Nor were we allowed to talk to the interrogators so that we could better judge the credibility of the detainees and clarify ambiguities in the reporting."
In light of the sorry record of the propagandistic exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy for partisan political purpose, is it any wonder that large numbers of Americans have doubts about all of it and that a considerable industry of documentaries and investigative reports has sprung up with alternative theories ranging from the plausible to the absurd?
September 11 may be an example of expedient destruction, ordered from within the state. Machiavelian state terror, for instance, advances the ruling agenda while disguising itself as the work of individuals or groups opposed to the state's fundamental principles. What did George Bush say? They attacked us because of our freedom.
The idea of an 'international terrorist conspiracy', by my belief, was completely fabricated by Washington and embellished by the empty bellicose rhetoric of Bin Laden, a leader without a following, a leader created by the mass media, a leader incapable of directing a single operative terrorist attack.
It is now a well known fact that there was no connection between Iraq and Bin Laden/Al Queda, despite forceful efforts by Colin Powell to present the UN with bogus evidence. But what is equally important, the US, the UN, Tony Blair, the Afghan narco-warlords and other US allies have never found a single piece of evidence linking Bin Laden/Al Queda with the terrorist incidents of 9/11...
Some important information to look over:
a. Prior to the attacks, key alleged hijackers were protected from FBI field investigations, by FBI headquaters.
b. All hijacked plane passenger lists, are five passengers short of the official count, and contain no Arabic or Muslim names.
c. The fires caused by planes on the upper floors of the twin towers effectively burned out, before the towers fell.
d. FDNY personnel escaping the WTC north tower, reported explosions going off as the tower collapsed.
e. The 40 story WTC building 7 collaped exactly like the twin towers without ever being struck by a plane.
f. All steel from the WTC collapses was hurriedly shipped out of the country without the usual investigations.
g. The FAA destroyed vital 9/11 tape recordings, instead of using this information in the usual investigations.
h. On 9/11/2001, federal agencies including FAA, NORAD, and FEMA, were running hijack simulations including some where planes strike buildings.
i. After 9/11, the Bush administration publicly stated that prior to the attacks, it had felt no need to guard against the threat of planes used as missiles.
j. The technology that will make it possible to use cell phones on commercial airliners, won't be available until 2006.
k. The 'war on terror' decreases U.S. constitutional liberties, but increases terrorist activity.
l. Selected persons were told not to fly that day. Newsweek reported that on September 10th, "a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."
m. There are reasonable grounds for suspicion that the U.S. attack on Afghanistan was already planned before September 11th.
n. The Bush Administration is clearly capable of creating or allowing such atrocities to occur.
Hitler was able to play the anti-communist card to win over skeptical German industrialists. Certainly the Bush family are not newcomers to melding political and business interests, they got their start as key Hitler supporters. Prescott Bush, father of George Bush Sr., was Hitler’s banker and propaganda manager in New York, until FDR confiscated his holdings.George Bush Sr. used Manuel Noriega as a scapegoat, killing thousands of innocent Panamanians in the process of re-establishing U.S. control over Panama. It is also widely believed that the current Bush Administration knowingly misled the people about the war in Iraq.
o. Norman Mineta's testimony.
p. The Pentagon was not struck by a Boeng plane.
q. WTC first responder ilness due to toxic air (and the lies by the government that it was safe to breathe)
r. Multiple "terrorist hi-jackers" are still alive.
s. Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani had foreknowledge of the attack. He had told Peter Jennings on ABC News on 9/11 itself that he had been warned.
The logical conclusion is that Bin Laden/Al Queda had at best a marginal role, if any. What we do know is that several of the terrorists easily obtained multiple entry visas in Saudi Arabia from the US embassy. That at least two of the hijackers were trained at US military bases. That the FBI and CIA had prior notice of a hijacking and let the operatives proceed. That Condaleeza Rice admitted to prior knowledge of a "traditional hijacking" a short time before it occurred. That US airforce planes were not commanded to action until after the hijackers succeeded. ... At the least we can say that those who fabricated stories of weapons of mass destruction, of Iraqis welcoming US invaders, of all powerful international terrorist organizations are at the least capable of fabricating the story of 9/11.
While overwhelming evidence indicates 9/11 was an inside job, even the FBI now admits that no credible evidence points to Osama bin Laden and the 19 alleged "terrorists" as perpetrators. No trial or impartial investigation of the crime has yet occurred. In fact, the official 9/11 story, that 19 alleged hijackers with box-cutters fooled the best military/defense system in the world, is itself an outrageous conspiracy theory. Certainly these men, at least six of whom are still alive, lacked the motivation and the ability to carry out the attacks by themselves. Certainly, 9/11 was not an "intelligence failure," as the government/media complex has characterized it. Rather, 9/11 was an elaborate hoax, a staged "war pretext incident," engineered to fool the American people into accepting wars of aggression abroad as well as a rollback of their civil liberties. As such, 9/11 is a typical example of "state-sponsored, false-flag terrorism" and a covert, "black op" orchestrated by rogue elements within the U.S. government. It is "false-flag" because it was blamed on a political target group, the Muslims.
Robert Baer wrote: "Until we get a complete, honest, transparent investigation--not one based on 'confession' extracted by torture -- we will never fully know what happened on 9/11."