Let me look into my crystal ball.
I do not know that I can find an answer that would prove satisfactory to your liking.
But I insist you take a look at who is being blamed and who is pointing the finger, though. Let's first take a look at the one's which were supposedly involved in the attacks. Did Osama bin Laden benefit? No. Not one bit. By the way, there is no hard evidence that Osama was even linked to the 9/11 attacks. He claimed just days after the attack that he did not have anything to do with it. I personally think Osama is dead. Saddam Hussein? Nope. Al Qaeda? Nothing apparent was gained. What is apparent, though, is the lives of Osama, Al Qaeda, and Hussein's got incredibly worse after the 9/11 attacks. Now the one's who gained from 9/11. Larry Silverstein became the 99 yr leaseholder of the WTC complex just a few weeks before the attacks. Silverstein was to remove the dangerous asbestos fire coating, which was estimated to cost upwards of 1bill. It should also be noted that when he took over, he re-worked the insurance policy to specifically cover "terrorist attacks". Silverstein received 7bill after the collapses from his insurers. Keep in mind 15mil was his original investment. Silverstein received absurd amounts of benefits. Dick Cheney still receives profit from Halliburton. Cheney was once the CEO of Halliburton. Oil companies greatly benefited and you all know how closely related members of the Bush admin. are with oil companies. The government's "New World Order" agenda was furthered, too. Patriot Act and other bills allow the government to spy on it's citizens, thus granted further control. PNAC members benefited. These are the same one's who stated America would need a "New Pearl Harbor", remember them now? 9/11 was that new Pearl Harbor. The arms manufacturers all receive major profit from war, but that should go without saying.