Let me get this straight. OSU has 375 secondary violations in 9 years - 42 per year. We have 6 in one season with the Liar Surfer Dude, get investigated by the NCAA, and get blasted all over the country as a dirty program. is that about the gist of it? Disgusting.
And universities actually voluntarily belong and pay fees to the NCAA? Why?! It is obvious they are as corrupt as it gets. If they self reported those 42 every year did someone stick their head up and say, "Hey boss-this OSU list is getting kinda long!" If they did and nothing happened, you would think a whistle blower or two would have wanted to ring the bell to make some money doing interviews, books, and movies of how they brought the NCAA down. I know - wishful thinking.
Now we find out Mr. Vested Rogers knew of last fall's shenanigans 8 months before disclosing it. Some say that since he admitted it when caught it's not as bad as Pearl not admitting it at first, then setting the record straight later. Bullcrap! He knowingly withheld the multiple violations for 8 months. By not saying anything he is snubbing his nose at the rules. Not following written procedures and regs of the NCAA and the university that he had been trained on and led training on for decades is inexcusible.
So it took Yahoo's sportswriters to unearth this? Why? There was enough smoke coming from it last year for the NCAA to get to the truth. That is unless they are corrupt in which case you suspend a few players for 5 games only - right?