Gun accessibility doesn’t have to be the causative agent to present a solution to the problem. This is a logical fallacy.
Also, very sorry about your friend, that really sucks.
I reread my post after your reply last night because I didn't think I'd made a logical fallacy. Sure enough it was there but I was too tired to correct it.
I'll take the penalty, fair enough.
My thoughts got scrambled when I brought up my friend. It wasn't my intention to use an anecdotal incident that personally affects me as an emotional appeal either.
A sincere thank you for addressing that with class btw

I was leading towards the defined motives or impetus of gun homicide prosecutions being addressed in a manner directly impacting mandatory sentencing. Make life mean mandatory life for all gun homicide. Instead of 25 with a possibility of 7, life means 40 with a possibility of 25.....
I mentioned crack cocaine and it's statistical impact for a very deliberate reason earlier. Mandatory sentencing in regards to that had a very direct and quantifiable effect on the gun homicide statistics discussed earlier.
If our esteemed President had a pair, or was cognizant enough to know if he does; he might have put a good 80's mixtape in the boom box for nostalgia, and brought up his part in that ole' 80's bill mentioning crack cocaine, instead of babbling about just needing a shotgun while defending from predators........
I hate our draconian prison state, and in my ideal world I would immediately support decriminalization of a few lesser drugs, immediate release of a plethora of non violent convicted inmates, do away with the private for profit prison industry.......
That's just a smudge of the stuff

I already want anyways listed above.
Before we try taking away any gun rights, can we agree that absolutely no domestic gun violence perpetrators should be given a 2nd chance in cases where the trigger was pulled?
Does the Left want to-do-away-with/lessen/restrict gun rights? Or does the Left want to do away with/lessen gun violence?
One scenario can be done with both sides compromising and reaching across the isle.
As a non gun owning 2A supporter allow me to say the other scenario can't be done much further than it presently has been without rewriting some existing material.
It won't be a detectable spark or powder keg event with direct cause and effect if rewriting any material is handled incorrectly. It would be more like wet grass/rolled hay bails smoldering into an inferno. If you want to irrevocably divide the parties and fracture the republic to a degree that hasn't happened in 160 odd years, the other way will probably get you there sooner than you realize.