Open Letter To Justin Worley

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Actually I would rather have seen Worley start for the last two years under doofus, than Bray. The development would have been great and I sure wouldn't have missed all the freaking drama Bray brought.
An Old man? Love how you assume I'm old and if it still demeans my content of what I post (and my avatar) then you are the one that has a problem.You have posters here with half naked women here but I have a picture of a cheerleader bending over and I'm deemed inappropriate to post here? Do I have to explain that? I say horse CRAP..... and if you want to ban me feel free.... I DON"T CARE but be fair and judge all before you judge my avatar (which has changed) before you ban me. Which I don't care you pompous jackasses.

You have a son who appears to be at least twice as old as my oldest kid. Therefore I assume you're probably at least about as old as me, and I am definitely old by the standards of internet message boards. Which makes it pretty appalling that you'd point a camera at a college girl's ass to get a picture. I would have thought that was crass even when I was still your son's age.

I'm not really giving you any crap about having that avatar, which was certainly pretty tame compared to a lot of the silliness other posters have. I'm giving you crap about taking that picture yourself. Yeech.
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Actually I would rather have seen Worley start for the last two years under doofus, than Bray. The development would have been great and I sure wouldn't have missed all the freaking drama Bray brought.


You do realize Bray played QB on the team with the worst UT D is history?
LOL not an old man, just took a photo..... but then again I'm having to answer to an idiot about what photo I took. Get a life and you wished you would have taken it you dweeb.

Ha, just saw this one. Get a life? I'm not the guy who needs to jerk it to pictures he took of girls half his age while they weren't looking. You got one of the little cameras on your shoe so you can get some upskirts too?
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Ha, just saw this one. Get a life? I'm not the guy who needs to jerk it to pictures he took of girls half his age while they weren't looking. You got one of the little cameras on your shoe so you can get some upskirts too?

Not taking sides Verc... but this post is far from mod worthy imo.

Need to just let this thread die.
Not taking sides Verc... but this post is far from mod worthy imo.

Need to just let this thread die.

Being a mod means helping merge redundant threads on gameday and deleting the most offensive 0.5% percent of the crap that people post. It does not meant that you don't get to argue or have any fun anymore; otherwise nobody would agree to do it. We are not referees.
First off,, you did nothing except take your team to victory last Sat. You threw no inceptions, you had everyone in position before each and every snap, you conducted the offense like a field general, and you didn't have a single penalty against you. You managed the game and the plays in a manner that let's me as well as others know you can do what is asked of you.

Please do not for one second listen to those talking about another QB to take your spot. The coaching staff said you were the man, so be the one and take us to the promise land doing what you did last week. A strong presence in the pocket, a smart take on the game, and a cool demeanor that doesn't get your team in trouble.

I have been a fan since you signed with UT, and was the lone fan you waved to at the Peyton Manning Passing Academy, while my youngest son was attending there. You are a class act and I can think of no one I want leading my vols son except you! Do us proud!!!!!! I know you want to succeed and I'm with you 100 %

Play your game and I have faith in you and that the coaches know your the one to lead us. Justin, my family is behind you in everything you do son. Make yourself proud and the rest will follow. Go Big Orange!!!!

Are people so sensitive that they can't take a little criticism anymore? I mean.. A open letter to Justin Worley? WTF.. Get out of here with this garbage.

Worley did fine last Saturday. Was he Peyton Manning? No he wasn't. He's smart with the football though.. Sells the play fake better than Bray ever could and has better wheels. So he isn't exactly chopped liver either.

No he isn't ideal for this offense. He's decent enough to win games with though. The Oline and RB's are the meat and potato's of this offense, will be all year. Get used to it.

Worley just needs to be smart with the ball and not lose games that way. He's not going to be asked to win them i don't think.

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